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DS Streamed Data Analytics transform Sensor Data into Actionable Insights

Designed for scalable deployment within the web-based Aqira platform, nCodeDS (nCode Digital Streams) provides both the performance and the ease of use required to analyze high volumes of digital bus data, connected vehicle data and a wide range of other data sources.

nCodeDS graphical interface enables simple, interactive definition of data processing networks required to analyze high volumes of sensor data coming from a wide range of sources.

Discover how nCodeDS helps engineers gain meaningful insights through high performance data cleaning, transformation and engineering analytics.

Deliver better insights and greater understanding

Understand how products are used in the real world through sensor data analytics to help reduce development, operational and warranty costs.

Reduce effort through dedicated engineering functionality 

Avoid scripting from scratch by using built-in nCodeDS engineering capabilities such as cycle counting, time at level, damage calculations and FFT algorithms.

Combine sensor data from many sources 

nCodeDS directly reads a wide range of sensor data and measurement formats including time-stamped CSV files.

Enable machine learning with great flexibility

nCodeDS also integrates with Python modules to enable huge flexibility such as scientific math, statistical and machine learning capabilities.

Meet real-world data challenges with ease

High volumes of data are efficiently streamed through nCodeDS processing networks at high velocity using multi-thread processing.

Program processes with our intuitive graphical interface 

Graphical drag and drop user interface makes creation of new processes easy for even the newest user.

Download whitepapers on key application areas of nCodeDS


Learn more about nCodeDS and its key areas of application for performing powerful analytics to convert large volumes of engineering data into actionable information.

Analysis of Digital Bus and Network Data


Bus data is increasingly used for many applications beyond its initial purpose. These applications include usage monitoring, design validation, design enhancement, safety validation, etc.

Connected vehicles, for example, are making these sources of data readily available and offer the promise of transformational information.  However, bus data raises a number of challenges, essentially due to the quality and quantity of data.


The next generation solution for these challenges is nCodeDS, a scalable analysis framework enabling engineers to gain actionable insights from streamed data analytics.

Big Data Analytics in Engineering Applications


With the growing utilization of sensors, “big data” is a reality of life for engineering applications. In the pursuit of storing, searching and retrieving this data at scale, industries are looking at big data systems for data management solutions.


But the real question is: how do you extract value from big data? Many engineering applications require the application of sophisticated analyses and while generic big data tools are necessary for basic data management, they are inadequate for performing real-world engineering analysis.


This whitepaper introduces nCodeDS, a new software solution, designed specifically for efficiently analyzing large volumes of engineering time series data. Through examples, it will illustrate how to achieve greater value from insights gained through superior analytics in an engineering context.

Learn how to easily build processes for efficiently analyzing high volumes of digital bus data, connected vehicle data, and other signals using a graphical interface in Aqira.

Learn how advanced data science helps shorten analysis times of big data from test measurements and enabled prediction of in-service reliability.


Ready to achieve success through failure prediction?
