Please note: Temporary licenses will be distributed starting the week of 7 October 2019 via email.
In order to provide a temporary license we will need the HostID of the laptop you will be bringing to the UGM. Your current nCode installation includes the HBM Prenscia Licensing Administration Tool. You may launch that from the HBM Prenscia Licensing folder on your start menu. You may also run licadmin.exe directly from the \bin directory of your current HBM Prenscia Licensing installation. The default installation path is “C:\Program Files (x86)\HBM Prenscia\Licensing\bin.”
Once the Host ID’s are displayed simply hit the
button and paste the system details into the form below along with your contact information or email [email protected] so the nCode license can be created for you.
On or around 7 October you will receive a temporary nCode license with a .lic file extension. To install the license, launch the HBM Prenscia Licensing Administration Tool and hit the
Hit the button and browse to your new temporary license file. Hit the
button and exit the HBM Prenscia Licensing Administration Tool.
If you need any assistance or have questions regarding your nCode software or license installation please call the nCode Support Hotline at (248) 340-3472 or email [email protected].
If you have not requested a temporary ReliaSoft software license, please do so via the form below:
Before activating the temporary license you requested, you must temporarily remove your license settings file (.prnrsl). This will allow you to revert to your usual license after the Prenscia UGM. Open the Import/Export License Settings utility by choosing ReliaSoft 2019 > ReliaSoft 2019 License Settings Import-Export (Windows 8 and 10) or ReliaSoft 2019 > Additional Tools > ReliaSoft 2019 License Settings Import-Export (Windows 7) in the Windows Start menu.
Use the Export button to export the current license settings (.prnrsl) file to a location on your computer. Press the Delete button to delete the currently imported file. Close the ReliaSoft 2019 License Settings Import-Export utility.
*Note: Your Windows login account must have temporary administrative privileges in order to activate properly.
The temporary license will come to you as a 32-digit alphanumeric code. If your computer has an active Internet connection and your firewall allows the software to access ReliaSoft's secure external license server at, only a few simple steps are required for activation:
The first time you launch an application, the activation wizard will appear. On the first page, select Activate a license and then select the Next button.
On the next page, enter a valid company e-mail address to serve as your ReliaSoft ID and then select the Next button. This is the e-mail address where you will receive confirmation e-mails from the ReliaSoft license server. It will also identify all of the products registered to you.
Name and Contact Info: If this is the first time that you have registered a ReliaSoft desktop application on this computer with this e-mail address, the next page will request your name and basic contact information.
On the next page of the activation wizard, enter the product license key provided by ReliaSoft.
*Tip: If you can copy the key from a product delivery e-mail, the Paste icon saves time by automatically entering each section into the appropriate input box and the select the Next button.
Confirmation Codes: If you have never activated a license on this computer, you will be sent a confirmation code via e-mail. If you have activated a demo or named user license previously, this step will be skipped. The next page requires you to copy/paste the confirmation code that you will receive via e-mail.
*Tip: If the e-mail does not appear in your Inbox within a few minutes, please check your Junk mail or SPAM folders.
Activate Multiple Applications: Your Product License Key will include additional ReliaSoft desktop applications that you may activate to evalutate. The next page will give you the opportunity to activate any or all of the listed applications at the same time. Press the Select All button and then select the Next button.
When you see the message, "Your product has been activated" click Finish to start using the software.
If you need any assistance with your nCode software or license installation please call the HBM Prenscia Technical Support for ReliaSoft Products at 520-886-0410 and select option 4 or email the ReliaSoft Support Team at [email protected]
Please note: Temporary licenses will be distributed starting 7 October 2019 via email.
After the Prenscia UGM, you will need to revert to your usual license. Open the Import/Export License Settings utility by choosing ReliaSoft 2019 > ReliaSoft 2019 License Settings Import-Export (Windows 8 and 10) or ReliaSoft 2019 > Additional Tools > ReliaSoft 2019 License Settings Import-Export (Windows 7) in the Windows Start menu.
Use the Import button to navigate to your license settings (.prnrsl) file. If you are unable to locate the original license settings file, please import the exported file from number 1 (above) and then click Close.
This will bring together HBM, Brüel & Kjær, nCode, ReliaSoft, and Discom brands, helping you innovate faster for a cleaner, healthier, and more productive world.
This will bring together HBM, Brüel & Kjær, nCode, ReliaSoft, and Discom brands, helping you innovate faster for a cleaner, healthier, and more productive world.
This will bring together HBM, Brüel & Kjær, nCode, ReliaSoft, and Discom brands, helping you innovate faster for a cleaner, healthier, and more productive world.
This will bring together HBM, Brüel & Kjær, nCode, ReliaSoft, and Discom brands, helping you innovate faster for a cleaner, healthier, and more productive world.
This will bring together HBM, Brüel & Kjær, nCode, ReliaSoft, and Discom brands, helping you innovate faster for a cleaner, healthier, and more productive world.