Methyl Methacrylate adhesive for strain gauges
Cold curing two-component adhesive
Can be used with all types of strain gauges
(except of 1-LE11-3/350Z and 1-LE11-3/350V)
Handling time (Pot life): 5 minutes
Storage capability (dry): >1 year
Temperature limits:
- lower: -200°C
- upper, zero-point related: +60°C
- upper, non zero-point related: +60°C
Contents per package:
Component A=100g, Component B=80ml
cellophane foil, mixing pot, measure spoon,
stirring staff, application guide
Extra costs (DGR-fees) if dispatch via air freight:
on request
Now with an enhanced formula, without dicyclohexyl phthalate (CAS 84-61-
The new formula no longer allows the product to be subsequently removed
using solvents, and the curing time will be a few minutes longer