All ReliaSoft Applications
- Initial public release for Version 2024 applications.
All Desktop Applications
New Features
- Added TLS Support for secure email generation from desktop applications.
- Added support for ReliaSoft desktop tools to be able to write RS Errors to the general Windows error log.
Defect Fixes
- Resolved an issue where a "License is corrupt" message would be encountered when uninstalling
certain prior versions of ReliaSoft. - Resolved an issue where non-admin users of the database were able to upgrade SQL-based
enterprise databases. - Resolved an issue where items within the history log could be lost when using the Archive History Log feature and a date other than the current date was used.
- Resolved an issue where users were unable to edit the description of an attachment.
Defect Fixes
- Resolved an issue where the Change Units window would not open using the command within the usage format warranty analysis folio control panel.
- Resolved an issue where life-stress data folios that were using the cumulative damage life-stress model and cyclical stress profiles were returning incorrect results.
- Resolved an issue where workbook plots for life-stress data folios using the cumulative damage life stress model were not correctly returning results.
New Features
- As introduced in Version 23.0.2, added the capability to transfer system template Items from XFRACAS to BlockSim diagrams.
- Updated the formatting when building fault trees from XFMEA to follow the default settings instead of hard-coding the names of the blocks.
Defect Fixes
- Resolved an issue where published Accelerated Destructive Degradation TH-Lognormal distribtution could not be added to a block.
Lambda Predict
New Features
- Added support for enterprise databases to contain a Lambda Predict Library.
- Added the ability to import components from Lambda Predict libraries to the current Lambda Predict library.
- Added the ability to manage permissions for embedded Lambda Predict enterprise libraries.
Defect Fixes
- Resolved an issue where the import preview would not correctly display Supplier.
- Resolved an issue where Copy Component Parameters from Phase when using FIDES would not function correctly if the existing phases belonged to a category.
- Resolved an issue where the Part Number lookup was applied to BOM imports when the option was not selected.
- Added the ability to re-use effects with their associated severity score(s).
New Features
• Added support for MSG-3 2018 Vol. 1 and Vol.2.
Defect Fixes
- Resolved an issue in certain situations where custom MSI reports would generate without including any data.
- Resolved an issue where projects with LHSI-enabled MPC analyses could not be checked back in.
- Renamed the “SEP Admin” page to “Site settings” and moved most of the settings to admin utilities running on the web server. From SEP Admin, click Manage Users and SEP Settings.
- The “Encrypt communication” checkbox is now selected by default when specifying database connection settings in admin utilities running on the web server (SEP Configuration File, Manage Users and SEP Settings). You will need to clear this checkbox if your database server does not support an encrypted connection.
- The option for nCode Aqira users to access SEP without a license seat is no longer supported.
New Features
- For Audit compliance, added additional application logging of the following:
o Clearing the diagnostic log
o Clearing the Data Import Utility log
o Deleting attached files
o Viewing attached files
o Generating charts
o Generating reports
o Tracking every page a user accesses
These additions, along with SQL Server temporal tables and IIS logging, give full audit capability of user usage within the application.
- Added the ability to see a user’s last access when reviewing a user account on the Manage User page to understand last time that account was used.
- Added additional support to turn SQL Server temporal table support on and off.
- Added the XFRACAS Service Role to database to support dynamically adding and removing detail indexes as the details are added or removed. These new indexes support faster reporting on large scale system with millions of records.
- Updated the ability to export templates by HID and serialized system data by SHID to either XML or XLS.
- Added the ability to import retired parts when importing templates in XML to support legacy template or data migration into XFRACAS.
- As introduced in Version 23.0.2, added the capability to transfer system template Items from XFRACAS to BlockSim diagrams.
- Encrypted communication between application and database is now the default setting when creating and connecting to databases.
- Encrypted Connection is now displayed in debug sections where database information is displayed when this option is enabled.
- Increased the limit of FRB reviewers from 5 to 20 on each step of the Problem page.
- The Serialized System page now shows part details for associated part for quicker access to associated part information.
- Added support for Attachment, Status, and Item Category details to the user template and serialized system search display page.
- Added support for separator detail display on the Template and Serialized System pages.
- Added new BlockSim details to support building RBDs within BlockSim from XFRACAS BOM.
- Added additional tool tips to the Repair and Replace dialog to support explaining to end users the data that needs to go into each field.
- Disabled the ability to edit time metrics on repaired or replaced part rows if the incident is in read-only mode.
- Added support for Failure Mode details being required on the Incident page.
- Resolved an intermittent undefined error message issue when saving a failure analysis report.
- Resolved a few output inconsistencies on the default Print Preview on Failure Analysis page.
- For details with e-mail notification enabled, the person picking the detail value also now gets a CC on the same notification.
- Added three Action Reports that include additional data from parent records: Incident Action, Problem Action, and Project Action. This allows, for example, the ability to review actions associated to incidents and include additional information for the incident in the report, such as incident details. Previously, you would have to use a separate tool such as Microsoft Excel and merge two report outputs into one.
- Added prefixes to Action Status, Action Status - Date, and Action Status - User to help identify data sources when this data is included with parent data.
- When saving a report as another report, the new report icon is now defaulted to the current report style.
- Updating reporting on actions when security details are enabled to show action data that is not restricted by security details. Previously, the unrestricted data was just omitted.
- Optimized report output of fields for Last Updated By, Last Updated Time, Viewed By and Viewed By Time to show the last single value.
New Features
- As introduced in Version 23.0.2, added the capability to transfer system template Items from XFRACAS to BlockSim diagrams.