トルク測定は、パワートレインにおける測定の主要な基準です。世界中のほぼすべての自動車メーカー、試験所、試験台開発者がトルク測定時にHBKのセンサを使用しています。HBKの非接触トルクトランスデューサは、デジタル技術による卓越した精度、使いやすさ(メンテナンスフリー ) 、 自動操作環境とのスムーズな統合を保証します。
It is becoming more and more important to:
Which is why the demands made on test stands are constantly getting more stringent. Test stands have an important role to play in developing engines, powertrain components and brakes.
Modern test technology helps by reducing development times, despite the ever-increasing complexity of concepts and requirements. The more stringent these demands become, the more important it is to have relevant measuring equipment.
Torque transducers are usually at the heart of these test stands. Torque transducers from HBM, especially torque flanges, are impressively accurate, reliable and compact.