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Downloads for catman Data Acquisition Software

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catman Easy / AP / PostProcess Software para aquisição de dados, visualização, análise e relatório de dados de medição para o seu PC ou Gravador de Dados QuantumX/SomatXR. 03/2023 5.6.1 Notas de lançamento
Plugin para DIAdem / catman Este plugin permite-lhe abrir ficheiros .bin do HBM catman directamente no DIAdem. 07/2013 1.9.0  

Some of the New Features in catman Version 5.6.1

  • MXFS SI support (included in catman Easy)
  • Support for Liebherr CamaeraMDC3
  • New external camera server with simplifoed user interface
  • UDP data stream 
  • Butterworth filters 2nd and 4th order 
  • Encrypted data streaming to Influx DB

Catman 5.6.1

MXFS SI support (included in catman Easy)
Catman supports the new QuantumX-based optical measurement module MXFS SI optimized for monitoring applications with optical sensors.

You benefit from:

  • An integration of all optical FBG sensor types from strain, temperature and acceleration to inclination or displacement
  • Up to 512 channels
  • 1 Hz and 10 Hz sampling rate
  • Now also with 3rd order polynomial scaling for optical modules

Get to know MXFS

Support for Liebherr Camera MDC3


  • Rugged ethernet-based camera for challenging environmental conditions 
  • Easy integration into catman through direct selection
  • Anti-ice and anti-fog function
  • Low latency

UDP data stream

With the new catman version the user can select which channels should be streamed via UDP

Butterworth filters 2nd and 4th order

In analysis mode, 2nd and 4th order Butterworth filters can now also be selected under calculations

Encrypted data streaming to Influx DB

Data from catman can be sent token-encrypted via https to InfluxDB e.g. for visualization of measurement data

New external camera server with simplified user interface

Simplified selection and parameterization of cameras

Catman 5.5.1 / 5.5.2

Extended Import of CAN Signal Information

CAN signal information could either be imported from *.dbc or entered manually so far. Now, *.arxml according to the AUTOSAR standard 3 and 4 has been added as a further option. Furthermore, the ribbon menu of the sensor database has been optimised, and the option to update previously imported databases (*.dbc or *.arxml) with a newer version has been added.Extended import of CAN signal information.

Catman 5.5.3

Receiving EtherCAT Signals from an EtherCAT Master

Previously, QuantumX/SomatXR signals could be sent to an EtherCAT master via CX27 for test bench integration. It is now also possible to read signals directly from EtherCAT. This is set up via the software of the EtherCAT master and HBK’s MX wizard.

Export of CANraw Channels into *.blf

In many programs, CANraw data streams can be further processed in BLF format to decode the individual messages or signals. Therefore, the catman analysis mode now also offers the option to convert a single CANraw channel into a *.blf file.

Read HBK Strain Gauges into the Sensor Database with Just One Scan

Most HBK strain gauges now come with a QR code that contains the strain gauge data. With the help of a barcode scanner, these can now be read into catman’s sensor database, and the sensor information no longer has to be entered manually. The coefficients for the polynomial temperature compensation are also transferred automatically.

Display of the CANbus Load

When setting up a measurement project, you can now display the bus load to determine whether the CANbus is working properly. The bus load per connector can be displayed or checked in the channel information as well as in the CAN configuration.

Overload Detection

QuantumX and SomatXR modules have recently introduced advanced overload detection, including the sensor data. This feature is now also supported in catman and allows three setup modes to differentiate between channel and sensor overloads.

New GNSS Functionality (Global Navigation Satellite System)

Since new navigation systems not only support GPS but often all globally active systems (Glonass, Beidou, Galileo, etc.), the term GPS has been renamed to GNNS as the general generic term. Furthermore, it is now also possible to display the number of satellites (0 to 12) as a signal to allow for the assessment of the reception quality.

New Stop Triggers

catman 5.5.3 has two new stop triggers: either a certain time on defined weekdays, or at a specific time daily. Therefore, it is always possible to stop measurements at particular times to have access to a data file.

Lots of Small Updates

Besides major functional enhancements, there are also many small optimisations that are not obvious at first glance including, for example:

  • The modernised help (html)
  • The updated offline mode
  • The expanded sensor database (new U10F and C5 force sensors)
  • The enhancements implemented for QuantumX MXFS (only in catman 5.5.2)
  • The creation of the catman AP evaluation mode (only in catman 5.5.2)

Selection of Measurement Rates for Signals

In conjunction with the QuantumX/SomatXR firmware 4.40, the selection of the offered sample rates can be limited. Only the set of channels corresponding to a defined sample rate group are offered for selection. This means that the user immediately sees which sample rates can be set and there is no attempt to unsuccessfully implement an unsupported sample rate.

Other Updates and Improvements

  • Static and dynamic filters for vibration analysis
  • Entries for quarter bridge adaptors (SCM-SG) in the sensor database
  • Extended statistics overview with the option ‘Range’ (maximum – minimum)
  • Improved speed mode selection (MXFS, MX403, MX410, MX411)
  • Optimized *.sie file import
  • Master/slave in connection with synchronization changed to leader/follower

Catman 5.4.1

MXFS Support (Coming with catman Easy)

catman can be used with the brand-new 8-connector optical measurement module MXFS based on QuantumX design. You benefit from:

  • The integration of all FBG optical sensor types from strain, temperature and acceleration to tilt or displacement,
  • A quick setup of the measurement chain,
  • Up to 128 optical sensors/module.

Catman 5.4.2

Empowered catman Easy Software Package and Redefined catman Software Packages

As of catman version 5.4.2, catman Easy software packages are empowered with new functionalities. Benefit from the integration of optical interrogators, offline configuration, push notifications via an app and FTP server.

In addition, the catman software packages have been redefined. catman is now available in three editions: catman Easy, catman AP and catman PostProcess.

Improved Workflow when running catman unattended

catman's improved workflow, when running an unattended mobile vehicle and monitoring application together with the CX22 data recorder, features inter alia:

  • One click switches a DAQ job to an unattended DAQ job - and back,
  • Unattended testing will use the fast stream storage mode,
  • DAQ job settings can be adapted with one click - most suitable to autonomous recordings.


catman Easy is the basic version which includes online and offline setup, online visualizations, and online maths as well as recording functionalities. catman Easy can be combined with two different add-on modules:

  • EasyMath: Mathematics module and auto sequences for catman Easy.
  • EasyScript: Free programming under VBA in measurement and analysis mode.

Easy Integration of GPS Devices Into Existing Projects

catman now allows for subsequently adding GPS devices to an existing project using "Additional functions/Add module/device".


catman AP adds powerful modules to the full catman Easy package, such as:

  • GNSS/GPS data visualization on maps
  • Video Recording
  • Wheelforce transducer integration
  • Parallel Recording
  • Cloud data streaming

Usability Improvements in the "Analysis Mode"

With catman's improved "analysis mode" you are now able to:

  • Display your channels visually without loading the measurement file,
  • Find channels quicker by searching for channel properties, such as channel comment, sensor name, etc.


catman PostProcess offers various post-process tools to process, analyze and report your results, such as:

  • Curve operations (peak value detection, cut & smooth data, remove peaks)
  • Math functions (e.g. strain gauge rosette calculation, electric power calculation)
  • Data visualization
  • Video replay
  • Statistics & Classifications (e.g. rainflow counting, time-at-level)
  • Data export & Report

Faster Sensor Setup with Wiring Diagrams

Wiring diagrams of HBM hardware are newly added in the 'Sensor Adaption' for each sensor, enabling an easy, convenient and fast connection of the used sensors to HBM hardware.

Store two Data Formats in Parallel

It is now possible to store data directly in two formats in parallel to facilitate the data export for users of multiple post-process tools. These data formats are available:

.bin, .st3, ASCII, EXCEL, TDMS, .dat (DIAdem), MDF3/4.1, RPCIII, UFF58, and nCode DAQ

Enriched HBK Sensor Database

With the merger of Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik and Brüel & Kjær to Hottinger Brüel & Kjær, the newly named HBK sensor database was extended by:

More Environmentally Friendly Packaging

Always stay up-to-date with the latest software version and download catman directly and quickly via the HBM web page. Just install catman on your computer and enter the licence key from the catman certificate, which will be sent to you by post.

As of catman version 5.4.2, we will eliminate the catman DVD cases to protect the environment.


catman Knowledge Base

Learn more about catman data acquisition software with our video tutorials, tech-notes, trainings and case studies.


Download Archive

Find all catman data acquisition software downloads from version 5.0.1 onwards in our download archive. 


Going the Extra Mile: Our Excellent Software Maintenance

  • Our professional technical support center will assist you by email, telephone and/or remote
  • Twelve-month software maintenance package included after purchase
  • Upgrades & Updates free of charge during the maintenance contract period
  • Get your catman knowledge up to date with our HBK Academy and benefit from a 15% discount after purchase

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