振动控制硬件能够与几乎所有的测试系统和测试配置文件一起工作。两款LDS振动控制器都具有USB 2.0接口,连接方便。COMET USB满足小型设置的简易性和自动化,而LASER USB提供了多个DSP处理器,旨在独立于PC主机处理控制回路,为模拟真实世界的条件提供先进的技术。
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This will bring together HBM, Brüel & Kjær, nCode, ReliaSoft, and Discom brands, helping you innovate faster for a cleaner, healthier, and more productive world.
This will bring together HBM, Brüel & Kjær, nCode, ReliaSoft, and Discom brands, helping you innovate faster for a cleaner, healthier, and more productive world.
This will bring together HBM, Brüel & Kjær, nCode, ReliaSoft, and Discom brands, helping you innovate faster for a cleaner, healthier, and more productive world.