Acoustic End-of-Line Test Systems
DAQ and instruments
DAQ Systems
High Precision and Calibration Systems
Industrial electronics
Power Analyser
eDrive Package
"eDrive Power Analyzer, 3CH, 2MS/s, GEN2tB"
"eDrive Power Analyzer, 6CH, 2MS/s, GEN2tB"
"eDrive Power Analyzer, 6CH, 2MS/s, GEN3iA"
"eDrive Power Analyzer, 9CH, 2MS/s, GEN4tB"
"eDrive Power Analyzer, 6CH, 2MS/s, GEN4tB"
"eDrive Power Analyzer, 6CH, 2MS/s, GEN7tA"
eDrive Package - Remote Probe based
eGrid Package
"eGrid Power Analyzer 3CH, 200kS/s, Gen3iA"
"eGrid Power Analyzer 3CH, 200kS/s, Gen2tB"
"eGrid Power Analyzer 6CH, 200kS/s, Gen4tB"
"eGrid Power Analyzer 6CH, 200kS/s, Gen2tB"
"eDrive Power Analyzer, 6CH, 2MS/s, GEN3iA"
"eGrid Power Analyzer 6CH, 200kS/s, Gen7tA"
S&V Hand-held devices
Simulator Systems
Vibration Testing Equipment
Resource Center
Application Notes
The V8000 Range: The Next Generation of Vibration Testing
Examining Risk Priority Numbers in FMEA
What is sound power and sound pressure
Vibration Measurement
Strain Measurement Basics
The Loudest Sound, Naturally
The Working Principle of a Compression Load Cell
What is a Signal Conditioner? | Functions
What is a Pressure Sensor?
Sound Measurement
In search of the world's quietest car
Torque Measurement in Wind Turbines
What is a Sound Level Meter
The World's Noisiest Cities
How Does a Piezoelectric Force Transducer Work
Static and Dynamic Balancing Part Two
Design for Reliability: Overview of the Process and Applicable Techniques
How does a Force Transducer Work? | Working Principle
Lightweight Structural Integrity Testing
Fatigue life testing
Holistic power plant management
Fiber Optic Strain Sensors Monitor Pipeline Integrity
Data Acquisition Software for Parameter Identification | Getting the Back-Emf of a PM Electrical Machine
Durability Testing of Electric Machines
Measuring Parameters of a Transformer Equivalent Circuit
Introduction to Measuring Electric Power During Transient
How to Optimise Electric Vehicle Powertrain Testing
"Future of Packaging: Trends, Tech, and Measurement Solutions"
Reigniting Guitar Evolution
Limitations of the Exponential Distribution for Reliability Analysis
Aircraft electrification - a real revolution?
From Drawing Board to Release
Sound insulation - and how it is evaluated
Big Data in Test and Measurement
Sound art in extremis: Mapping the sound ecology of Antarctic weather
COMAC’s great LEAP
Test Rig for Induction Motor Quasi-Static Electromechanical Characteristic Determination
Web portal for ReliaSoft applications
Improve test efficiency of medical products with BK Connect applet
Human Vibration: Body and Arm Vibration
Recalibrate your expectations with more than just a calibration
Calibration is Key to Trust And Trade
Hydrophones In Gaseous Environment
A space for creativity
Life Data Classifications
The story behind the Tescia solution
What drives electrical machines and inverters: More efficie
Piezoelectric or Strain Gauge Based Force Transducers?
The Piezo Effect and its Applications
Tapping into the acoustic properties of a watermelon
Correlating Measured Test Data with CAE Results
Active vibration-based SHM system: Demonstration on an operating Vestas V27 wind turbine
Five questions for Dmitri
Weibull++ - Degradation model analysis in Accelerated Life Testing module
Testing futuristic fighter jets
Force Measurement
Jet engine know-how helps voice studies take off
What is Sound?
Sound Generation – Structure-Borne Sound: Part 2
How To Uninstall and Reinstall Your FIT Load Cell from Your Filling Machine
Galvanic Separation in Piezoelectric Measuring Chains
Installing a temporary ReliaSoft license - New Test
Cleaning Useful Information from Noise
PTPv2 Holds Data Acquisition and Testing to a Tight Schedule
Digital Signal Conditioner with OPC UA
T40B with Rotational Speed Measuring System and Reference
"DDRP 2018 Event - Thank You - Developing Durable, Reliable Products"
The right tool for workplace noise surveys
FAQ: Choosing the 32-bit or 64-bit Version of the ReliaSoft Desktop Applications (2021)
Historical Milestones
In Pursuit of the Windsor Hum
"Summer is watermelons, rainstorms, mosquitoes, burning sunshine and air conditioning. But a summer is not a summer without the chirping of cicadas."
Sound Intensity - What is Sound Intensity?
The longest reverb
Five questions for Marty
Which Fit is the Right One?
Load application in load cells - Tips for users
"Test Cell Retrofits for Quicker, Better Test Results"
MSG-3 maintenance program creator
"There and back again, an artist's tale"
FMEA and related analyses
Europe’s Largest Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Laboratory
Vibration Control Strategies for Shaker Systems
Can You Play The Asphaltophone?
Five questions for Jason Kunio
An introduction to shaker vibration testing
All quiet on board
Off-Highway Vehicles: Torque from Lab Out into the Field
Five Questions for Niels-Jørgen
Measuring Forces in the Force Shunt
Golf cart noise and vibration troubleshooting
Motorcycle exhaust noise measurements
Acoustic camera gets down to work at Wave Engineering
The V8000 Range: The Next Generation of Vibration Testing
Why use an Accelerometer Preamplifier?
Guide: Lifetime Cost Of A Sound Level Meter
Reliability Growth module
Reliability Growth module
Changing Landscape of High RPM Torque Measurement
Background Noise?
Five questions for Sidnei
Sounds like a Ferrari
How Does a Bending Beam Load Cell Work? | Working Principle
Educator and problem solver
Reuse to reduce
Time to Invest in a Sound Level Meter?
Women in Sound and Vibration
Taking the Sting Out of Vibration
The V8000 Range: The Next Generation of Vibration Testing
"Durability Testing, Reliability, and Failure Mode Comparison (Blueprint I5)"
Weighing Modules
Noise protection measurably simplified
Accelerated Life Testing module
How Does a Strain Gauge-Based Pressure Transducer Work?
Active vibration-based SHM system on a Vestas wind turbine
Resource center
Download Torque White Papers
The Importance of Torque Measurements
Investigation of the influence of transducer electronic data sheets (TEDS) on calibration results
Introduction to Vibration Measurement
Avoiding Vibration Measurement Errors
Military Aircraft Testing - Trial by combat
The Key to New Applications: Precision
The Limitations of Using the MTTF as a Reliability Specification
Unveiling the Future of Packaging
Suggestions on how to include the effect of reproducibility in the evaluation of simplified calibration procedures
Music is in the hands of the beholder
Hygienic design is mandatory
Gas Compressor Set Control
Legal-for-trade weighing systems in open automation applications
Managing Sound With IoT Technologies
Get Started with your Sound Level Meter
Tech Note: Using WLAN for Measurement Telemetry
Weibull++ - Analyzing Failure Modes Using RBDs in Weibull++
Vague results - load cells of accuracy class C6 under test
Measurement Microphones Explained
Sounds like fun
Solutions AM - OSIsoft PI
Wiring Universal Torque Transducers
Vibration Testing - Dos and Dont's for Vibration Shakers
A practical guide to using MIMO vibration control
The purrfect power
Wind Tunnel Vision
Weibull++ - The Risks of Using Failure Rate to Calculate Reliability Metrics - New Test
Simplifying the set-up of large channel count DAQ systems
Force Shunt Measurement Japan
Using HBM Signal Amplifiers for Industrial Process Control
How to Select a Rotating Torque Sensor
"System reliability, availability, and maintainability analysis"
Resource center
Why a newton is a newton when you measure it
Simulation Of Realistic Background Noise
How Does RoHS 3 Affect Sensor and Transducer Suppliers?
Leq and SEL - When to choose what?
The Green Man: HATS
Calculating electrical power using QuantumX and catman
What Is eDrive Testing? How Does It Work?
Reliability centered maintenance
FMEA and related analyses
The industry standard for life data analysis
A Custom-made Sensor in 3 Phases
Electrical Connection of Force Transducers
Cloud Computing Brings Test Data Down to Earth
Shaker Vibration Testing with Inductive Centring Systems
Tech Note: QuantumX and MCS
Piezoelectric Force Transducer: 5 Rules for Installation an
Nowhere to hide
Linearization of Torque Transducers Using EtherCAT
Desktop CAE sound auditions
Calibrating the Measuring Chain
Improving Test & Measurement with TEDS
Sound generation – Structure-borne sound: Part 1
Frequency Analysis - Filter Analysis
Torque Measurement Tips & Tricks
Event Analysis module
Standard based reliability predictions
Testing for clarity: from the lab to the consumer
How does eDrive Testing work? A user explains
A Guide To Using MIMO Vibration Control
Accelerometer Mounting Check
What charge injection calibration is and is not
Adjustment of Electronics for Force Measurements
Beyond Tomorrow
The conductor’s point of view
Efficiency Testing of Electrical Actuator-Based Systems
The Sound Intensity Equation
Explanation of ATEX marking
Five questions for Richard Johnson
FMEA and related analyses
Five questions for Roger
Listening In 3D
Class-D technology: Enhancing sound quality
Choosing Piezoelectric Accelerometers
Measurement and traceability of torque on large mechanical drives
Technical Review 2017 | Brüel & Kjær
The Sound of Blue Whales
Working standard reference measurement chains
Torque Measurement Methods
Video Tutorials and FAQ
Accelerated Testing with the Inverse Power Law
Shaft Torque Transducers - Basic FAQ
Torque Measurement Challenges in High-Speed Applications
What is a load cell? | How does a load cell work?
Five questions for Ricarda Nerche
My Car - My Engine - My Sound
Simplify testing and analysis with BK Connect
Installation of Force Transducers
The Fauna Philharmonics
Finding passion in the perception of acoustics
Prenscia UGM NA 2019 - Licenses (PUGM)
"New, Highly Flexible TIM-EC EtherCAT Interface Concept"
Technical review
Wireless Data Acquisition - Unleashed
catman DAQ Software Knowledge Base | Tips & Tricks
How In-Line Bearingless Torque Sensors Can Help Increase Turbo Machinery Efficiency
Important Characteristics of Force Transducers
Resource center
How to Install a Rotating Torque Sensor
Optimizing the future driving experience
Terms and expressions for specifying torque transducers
Predicting EV warning sounds using partial loudness
Different Types of Load Cells | Load Cell Manufacturer
Remembering a Sound and Vibration Pioneer
Cutting-Edge Wind Turbine Blade Maintenance
Ground Vibration Monitoring
Sounds Great
Force Application with Compressive Force Sensors
Five questions for Yumiko Sakamoto
Load Cell Troubleshooting
Optimizing the future driving experience
Bontaz Interview
Partnering To Reach New Testing Heights
Good vibrations...
Reliability Prediction for Components in Fatigue
Sorting out the sources of sound
Reducing Torque Measurement Uncertainty in Turbine Engine Testing
Targeting Vibration
Structural Testing Part One
Spy on the wall
Testing evolution: Shaking up the status quo
Data Acquisition (DAQ) in Measurement
Metrological Traceability in Force and Torque Measurement
75 years of progress
Connecting a Force Sensor to a Data Acquisition System
Weighing Electronic Troubleshooting
Good Vibrations - Interview With Doctor Nielsen
Vibrations In Ice
How utilizing EtherCAT benefits industrial applications with faster real-time measurements.
Universal man
Something Quiet Comes This Way
Five questions for Thomas Lewien
Piezoelectric sensors: Which one for my application?
Epsilon Launchpad Redesign: Safeguard the Payload
Hygienic: Weighing electronics for the food industry
Dyn-X Technology
The big noise in Europe: New laws and standards shaping traffic
IP69K Degree of Protection
Stop the Noise
Wavelength to frequency and the speed of sound
High Precision Torque Sensors for Flexible Measurement
Choosing the Right Torque Transducer: Shaft or Flange?
Easy rider? Measuring motorbike vibrations
How Does a Torque Transducer Actually Work?
Pass-by Noise Regulations – Meet the Latest Indoor Standards
New BK Connect Applets for post-processing
New application possibilities for innovative torque measurement in test benches - with PMX
Hemi-anechoic Chambers at The ARC
Connection Cables for Strain Gauge Sensors
Cochlea Function
High Accuracy is High Efficiency
Keeping a lid on Copenhagen nightlife noise
Load Cell Subjected to Extreme Tests
Cables and their impact on test and measurement equipment
Accelerated Life Testing module
What is TEDS?
Weibull++ - Life Estimation - New Test
The industry standard for life data analysis
18 Tips - Successful Sound Measurements
Accelerometer Mounting Check
Selecting The Right Shaker System
Using the CASMA Filter for Torque Measurements - Tips & Tricks
Transducer Design
An Hour In An Anechoic Chamber
NAFEMS CAASE 2020 Landing Page
Efficient Mobile DAQ in Harsh Conditions of Use
"Three HATS, one church and experimental music"
Predicting detectability and annoyance of EV warning sounds using partial loudness
Protect against data loss and corruption (2022)
FIT7A Video Tutorial: Setting up a checkweigher
Listening to customers
Transducers and the Internet of Things
On the right track
Not just a wind tunnel
Award-winning construction noise management
MONICA takes on techno
Inside headphones
Mill Noise Monitoring
Using hand-held arrays for automotive NVH measurements
Resource center
Strain Gauge Transducers for the Use in Industrial Applications
Rugged data acquisition systems for field tests of off-road vehicles
Reliability test design
The birth of calibration
The industry standard for life data analysis
Driving Brand Awareness
Driving simulation in top gear
Listening to the community
Hand-held Arrays In NVH Measurements
The Father of Dolby Technology
A Quiet Place For Sound
Five questions for Nishikubo-san
Japanese professor of human vibration
Amiya Mohanty - Man on a mission
Bringing Communities on Board
Parameterization of an incremental rotary encoder
Measurement Uncertainty Calculation
Interview: Trends in Force Measurement Technology
Environmental Noise Measurement
Microphone Selection
Analysis of vehicle voice recognition performance
The Load Cell Calibration Standard ISO 376
Measuring Small Forces with High Initial Load
From Sound Level Meter To Acoustic Camera
Load Measurement for the Optimization of Ship Engines
Today's proving ground for vehicles of the future
Standardization or customization?
Application of Sound Source Identification on a Turbofan Engine
Phoenix Testlab preventing gaps in a 360° test lab
Todays Robotic Engineer Challenges
From atomic physics to aeroacoustic consulting
Response Equalisation Extreme - REq-X
End-of-line Testing: Geared up and ready to go
Exploring the Technical Terms of Torque Measurement
What is cavitation?
HBK Expert Dialog: Lightweight Structures
Why do cats purr? Solving the mystery using accelerometers!
Improving Life Under the Sea
Savings in the pipeline
Anatomy of the Human Ear
Lost in Limoges – The art of being a good neighbour
Structural Testing Part One
Partnering To Reach New Testing Heights
Green Shipping: Saving Fuel with Precise Torque Measureme
Nothing runs like a Deere
"Force Washers for Production, Testing and Monitoring"
Product Sync - New Test
A new approach to end-of-line vehicle auditing
High-pressure measurement technology
Low-frequency noise? We’ve got it cornered
Five questions for Zhigang Chu
The bells that mirror the soul of Notre Dame
Avoiding Vibration Measurement Errors
Piezoelectric Accelerometers for Vibration Measurements
Static And Dynamic Balancing Of Rigid Rotors
Turnkey Shaker Solutions
How to calculate the average of multiple runs in BK Connect?
"High-frequency HATS, why?"
Cobotic Sensors Challenges
Connecting Torque Transducers to EtherCAT Systems - using TIM-EC
AIISH - Developing Speech and Hearing
Outsource or in-house?
The industry standard for life data analysis
Data Acquisition Videos & Webinars
Prone to excellence
Managing stealth with a self-noise monitoring system
Camera shutter noise
OEM Custom Sensors in Revolutionizing Agriculture
Discovering How to Monitor a Simulated Bridge Structure
Cutting the commute
Great minds think alike
IMC Landing Page
Working together for the greater quiet
Source contribution analyser for exterior noise of a high-speed train: Experiments and simulations
Vibration Testing - Dos and Dont's of Site Design
Who are the people behind the HBK Vibration Test Service?
Torque Measurement in Electric Machines
Blueprint I1 - Life Estimation - Technical Article
Ensuring superior passenger comfort in the Mitsubishi SpaceJet
Metadata and Data Sharing
Precision Testing for Fatigue Life Enhancement - HBK
Putting the surface microphone through its paces at Airbus
Weather effects on environmental noise measurements
ODS Analysis: Understand structural behaviour
Not so long ago in a movie right by you....
PULSE makes explosive readings
Microphone History
Acoustic Camera Displays Noise In 20 Seconds
Aiming for absolute precision calibration
Aircraft structural testing
TIM-EC: Intercommunication Mode and Coupler Functionality
21 Tips on How to Install a Torque Sensor
Predictive Maintenance for Shaker Systems
Measuring Force with the Active Strain Transducer SLB
A High Value of Beta is Not Necessarily Cause for Concern
FMEA and related analyses
Beijing’s big bell sound
Vibration Measurement: The Complete Guide
Targeting Vibration
Who are the people behind the HBK Vibration Test Service?
Hybrid and Electric Vehicle: Battery Testing
Uplifting sound quality
The quietest place in the world
Reliability Growth module
Web-based FRACAS
Torque Reference Book
Couplings and Mounting Parts for Torque Applications
Analysis of vehicle voice recognition performance
Nowhere to hide / Hacked off
Fusing form and function
The humble guru of structural dynamics
Steatoda Bipunctata: Just Not In The Mood
Using Vibration Measurements
Power Measurement on Large Drives with Combustion Engines
Precise Load and Force Measurement in Smart Actuators
EMC: Directives for Weighing Systems
Manually Scanned Measurements
The Great Aircraft Certification Challenge
The sound of music
Hooked on the science of sound
QuantumX Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
Video: Force Measurement Methods
A new approach to end-of-line vehicle auditing
Force Transducers Based on Strain Gauges
Force Glossary
E-Mobility challenges Torque Measurement Technology
From Diagnosis to Solution – Fast
Accelerated Life Testing module
The technical design challenges of the omnidirectional sound source
The Next Generation of Sound
Jude Mansilla - Fidelity Fights Back
Sounds great
Multiple vehicle pass-by tests
Structural Design of Tank Weighing Systems
Leap through jet engine testing
Solutions for Design Development and Testing
Vehicle noise tests are getting tighter
Predicting detectability and annoyance of EV warning sounds using partial loudness
Painting the sky green
Overload protection - good protection for load cells
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) in Data Acquisition and Testing
An indoor solution to an outdoor problem
"Choosing FBG Optical Sensors, Interrogators, and Software"
Guidelines for Burn-in Justification and Burn-in Time Determination
Calibrating an Accelerometer
Indoor Pass-by: A Solution to an Outdoor Problem
Accelerated Life Testing module
Data Management
Integration of strain gauges in e-bike pedals and cranksets
Improve corporate-wide FMEA collaboration with SEP web portal
Smart Weighing Technology: Empowering Smart Processes for Enhanced Efficiency
Using ReliaSoft to meet Ford CSR and other OEM FMEA requirements
NVH CAE Simulation
Bolt monitoring
Experimental residual stress analysis using the hole-dril
QuantumX Integration in ZwickRoell Testing Machine
The new FIT5X digital load cell technology for rotary filling excellence
OEM Custom Sensor Assemblies for Robotics and Cobotics Applications
Sensor Solutions for Autonomous Mobility with OEM Sensor Specialist
Off-Highway Vehicles: Torque from Lab Out into the Field
Article: How can video support classic sensor data?
Preventive maintenance of weighing systems
Is IO-Link just an interface for simple, switching sensors?
The Top 5 Benefits of Using IO-Link
How using the HBK IO-Link load cell with your IO-Link interface delivers more fantastic features
What features does a HBK force transducer with IO-Link interface offer?
Applications of Vibration Fatigue Simulation
Vibrations In Ice
Measuring Vibration Characteristics in Seating
Piezoelectric Accelerometers for Vibration Measurements
Vibration Analysis Helps Neutrino Research
Hybrid and Electric Vehicle: Battery Vibration Testing
Why use an Accelerometer Preamplifier?
Vibration Testing - Dos and Dont's of Shaker Operation
Weibull++ Degradation Analysis in Step-Stress Accelerated Testing
Accelerated Life Testing Module
Weibull++ Degradation Data Analysis
Durability Testing, Reliability, and Failure Mode Comparison
XFMEA - Ancestry Functionality in XFMEA - New Test
XFMEA - How to Effectively Plan for FMEA Challenges to Improve Quality and Save Costs - New Test
The Case for Generic FMEAs and Strategies for using them in XFMEA
Reliability Phase Diagrams
Transforming industrial force measurement with HBK’s strain transducers
Measuring press forces: accurate, cost effective and reliable
What is FMEA and what is its future?
Maintaining Reliability: The Skills Needed to Succeed
XFMEA - ReliaSoft XFMEA Risk Discovery drives System FMEA Plan
Revolutionising healthcare: how strain gauges are redefining the accuracy of medical devices
How to Implement Truck Scales
Using Weighing Technology for Automated Filling Processes
What to expect when using lower quality measurement microphones
Don't sabotage your FMEAs
Implications of using lower-quality measurement microphones
Setting the bar for microphone excellence
Case Studies
Eurofighter Project
Correlation study of a commercial truck biaxial test
bombardier: Acoustics and vibration analysis
Success stories
R&D on wind turbines for standards in Taiwan - TERTEC
Ground vibration tests | NASA’s X-57 Maxwell
University of Catalunya: Seawall Experiment
Loughborough University - Automotive Powertrain NVH Research
ENMO Brüel & Kjær Exclusive Distributor in Benelux
CRH: Safety in motion - component testing of car seats
Structural Health Monitoring at Hamburg High Railway
HBK Supports ITER in Fusion Experiments
Link Engineering - Brake NVH Testing Systems
DLR refines aircraft cabins by analysing noise paths
Dynamic Weighing - Pays de Savoie's Reblochon
Goodyear Dunlop Europe - Analysis of Tire Noise and Vibration
Structural Qualification of Ariane 5 and 6 Launchers
HBK Force Transducers at Promess: Quality Assurance in Production
RUAG Space: Testing of Separation Systems for Satellites
DCTA - Helping Launch The VLS-1 Rocket
Link Engineering - NVH Brake Testing
National Institute of Metrology - Thailand - Case study
NTN-SNR - Digital weighing in the production of bearings
Load Test of a Glider's Outer Wing
Durability testing and monitoring structural performance
Redefining Rugged: HBK’s SoMat eDAQ Data Acquisition System
Development of a Strain Gauge based 3-axis Force Sensor
HBK Gets Onboard IMOCA’s Advens Cybersecurity Project
GEN2i DAQ system ensures higher efficiency in generator sets
Innovative: Viticulture robot for the cultivation of steep slopes
Deacon Engineers: measurements in main water pipings
FACC: Testing the winglets of the Airbus A350XWB with HBK
Akrapovic - Analysis of Tire Noise and Vibration
Hansen Transmissions -r wind turbine gearbox fatigue analysis
Schuler: HBK measurement technology in process
University of Pretoria: Geotechnical Centrifuge
Gorenje Maximizes Productivity With Noise Mapping
Iron Gate Dam: Measuring the efficiency of turbine blades
A2LA Accredited Testing - GHSP Testing Labs
Sarakasi Theatre - Room Acoustical Measurements and Modelling
BALESTRA: Innovative Test Method
Transportation vibration testing with a V9x shaker system at TÜV SÜD
Design for weight optimization
Strain Gauges Measure the Loads on Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations
The use of nCode software for test and CAE in the product development processes of AL-KO
CMT-Motores Case Study
Torque Flanges in power generation plants
Ricoh: toner cartridge manufacture
Japan's largest wind turbine gearbox manufacturer: Ishibashi (Japanese)
Sound Power Testing of Drive Assemblies Case Study
nCode DesignLife selected as solution for durability analysis at GM
Testing and Development of Automotive Fans - Papst
Rolls-Royce - FMEA for Design Efficiency and Less Costs in Aerospace
AKUSTEC Implementation of PULSE into Automotive Test Cells
University of Delft: Scientific Research on Friction
Monitorización y vigilancia acústica nocturna de obras con Noise Sentinel – On Demand
Bromma develops new lifting beam for containers with Strain Gauges
Ulsan Technopark - Automotive Innovation Parts Center (APIC)
Commercial Vehicle Group uses a Desktop NVH Simulator
PMX and HBM-Cloud-Storage in Production Processes
Crash Tests: Auto Institute Relies on HBK's Genesis HighSpeed
ALBA: Reliable pumps for particle accelerators
Valeo opts for HBK and innovative operating concepts
OSiMaB Project - On the Road to Mobility 4.0
Carlisle Interconnect Technologies' vibration test system
Strukton: Monitoring changes in the soil characteristics
Dassault Aviation uses surface microphones for nEUROn UCAV
When the earth rocks... vibrating table tests at ZAG
HBK measurement technology in the Formula 1 of winter sports
Altair offering assist to enhance seat development process
Toyota: Calculating temperature distribution
Nissan Technical Centre Europe: the On-road Vehicle NVH Simulator
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands - Case study
Engine Test Benches: Reliable Results With HBK Reference Transducer
ORWIN: HBK amplifier to monitor crucial processes
VM Acoustics Decides On B&K Type 2250
Outils Wolf EU Directive and Production Line Testing Case Study
Accurate and reliable - Straightpoint depends on HBK strain gages
Applus+ IDIADA, engineering, testing all types of vehicle
AVIATEST: Structural test of airframes
KA-RacIng Team of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
NIST: Foundations for developing new industrial application
Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan Case Study
Crown Equipment - Uplifting sound quality
JNIOSH - Reproduction of Multi-modal Sensation
Monitoring the structural behaviour of a bridge rehabilitation
nCode Automation selected as collaborative platform for managing and analyzing test data at Liebherr-Aerospace
Alstom Marine - Case study
Sensors and amplifiers help DCTA launch the VLS-1 rocket
Power Testing in the ABB High Power Laboratory
Lockheed Martin Space Systems boosts vibration testing
LDS shakers – expertise, technology and passion
Robot-controlled acoustic holography for hearing aid development
Blachford - Case study
Investigating hearing loss at call centres: Kinki University
HBK and Cetim-Ctdec Cooperative Relationship
Setting new records at sea
Henkel Surface Technologies - Automotive Division, France
Fine-tuning acoustic isolation in buildings
ATA Engineering strengthens ties with Brüel & Kjær
Vibration Testing - AMC - Spain
Torque measurement in ship lifts
Chinese tests highlight superiority of HBK's eDAQ solutions
Nordson ASYMTEX: XFMEA & BlockSim to Less Costs for Industrial Robots
Engineering Solutions and Technologies - Japanese version
Top-quality steel - reliably recording all parameters
Keeping the Peace - A New Night-Time Approach
AgustaWestland safeguards helicopter reliability with HUMS
AXPO Kompogas: Green energy production
METIRI: new lease of life for industrial chimney
On test: Generators for wind turbines from The Switch
Production quality testing for worldwide manufacturing
Suzuki Wind Tunnel used for Full-vehicle Noise Source Identification
University of Jena: 3D miniature force measurement platfo
KOSME filling machines with HBK load cell
Formula SAE/Student: University of Bologna team uses HBK strain gauges
Fine-tuning acoustic isolation in buildings - ACCIONA Infrastructure
Chinese Locomotives: Testing Electric Locomotives
JRC Tokki: Underwater ship-noise characterization
RUAG relies on HBK solutions in wind tunnel testing
Uplifting sound quality for Crown Equipment Corporation
GreenMot: Development of Custom Systems for Engine Tests
Testing Machines for Calibration Laboratories Rely on HBK
SISU AXLES: heavy-duty planetary axles
University of Palermo: Study of Sailing Yacht
Acceleration tests on the Turin bobsled ice track
Volvo Construction Equipment (CE)
Case Study: An effective partner in running a comprehensive noise abatement program - Newcastle Airport
Case study: Acoustic analysis of firearms with OSS Suppressors
Designing Ferrari's sound with NVH simulation
Mahle Powertrain: HBK helps make engines go greener
Load Cells Allow Picking Tomatoes by App at ""Meer Camp""
Nortek: Accelerated Life Testing for Reliable Building Systems
Dana Thermal: Accelerated Life Testing in Auto Parts Design
Cost-optimized construction of subsea pipelines
NEDO: Real-Time Test Results For New Super-Efficient Motor
Fleet Vehicle Data Testing
University of Windsor - Sound & Vibration Challenges
Testing Electric Motors Under Load at "Van Bodegraven Elektromotoren"
Artis GmbHM: achine monitoring made easy
ESA: students conquer the outer limits of the troposphere with HBK
Weighing technology in process plant engineering
Volvo Car Corporation - Noise Vibration Harshness Testing
The Endesa Project: Optical Measurements at Adduction Pip
The Royal Norwegian Navy: Underwater Acoustic Measurements
Airbus Helicopters: Monitoring gearboxes with HUMS accelerometers
INVpack: Precision in Packaging with Digital Load Cells
RUAG: Full Scale Fatigue Testing with HBK measuring syste
Research & Development of Sound Quality in Lifts
Boeing Commercial Aerospace Case Study
Telecom: Lower Failure Rates and Maintenance Costs in Far Networks
Hawtal Whiting: Special vehicles require special data acq
Noise mapping of military vehicles for the Norwegian military
Linamar, McLaren Performance Technologies
Magneti Marelli uses a Desktop NVH Simulator for product development and marketing
DB Minden is testing optical strain gauges from HBK
QuantumX "Undercover Operation": HBK Enables Jungheinrich
Aermacchi - Ground and Flight Test Instrumentation
Split-Hopkinson Bar Material Tests
Shure - Case study
Adt-Rinck - Universal hydraulic test bench with secondary control
BAE Systems - Aerospace Testing - Case Study
Smart devices: intensive testing
ESTECH Corporation - Engineering Solutions and Technology
UPC: Tests for externally reinforced concrete beams
Maximizing productivity for Gorenje with rapid noise mapping
ALSTOM Marine - Prove acustiche e vibrazionali a bordo nave
Capturing data makes bridges last longer
CEDEX: Test Track - Accelerated pavement testing
Motor Products Corporation - PULSE Noise & Vibration Testing
Brüel & Kjær to supply Pratt & Whitney static engine noise test system
Safeguarding neighbours from construction noise - London Borough of Richmond
Smart Sensory Drive Shaft - OEM sensors
Case Study: Ahlmann Baumaschinen
Case study: _V9x Shaker System at TUV SUD Test House_
Quality testing of a pipe for the oil industry (IRIS Institute)
DLR Refines Aircraft Cabin Noise
Embedded vs. Conventional Strain Gauges
Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL)
Step-1: Test and Measuring Equipment in Racing Cars
Rapid processing of measured data gives shorter test times
AgustaWestland selects nCode GlyphWorks for SuperLynx 300
BAE Systems: Static and Fatigue Tests
Continental tests PULSE Reflex
Operational modal analysis on wind turbine blades
Increased efficiency in the gypsum board production
Bühler identifies HBK as a 'preferred supplier'
LGC Automation: Competitive packaging machine thanks to HBK load cells
Optimising Toilet Flushing Sound - Sloan Flushmate
HENT: Monitoring ensures safety of Holmestrand station
Thailand's Electrical and Electronics Institute: EEI
Jaw Crusher from in Road Test - with SomatXR
Electrical Component and Lightning Testing at Damstra Lab
Perfectly cut silicon wafers: digiCLIP ensures leaps in e
Scansys, Belgium - test rig for dynamic testing of differential gears
INVT Control Algorithm Optimised by Torque Transducer
Brake Testing - Bosch, Drancy
Meridian Energy
Impact Testing - Magna Donnelly
Dow Chemical Company - Noise and vibration analysis of materials - Case Study
Optical sensors for lightweights
Infineon: Test system for security and chip card application
T40 torque transducer in APL test bench
DB Netz AG: Bridge monitoring
Sensor-based dental brace
Safran reduces typical test analysis time to 1 week with Automation
Huub: Developing high performance swimwear
InVentus: World Championship for Ventomobiles
Hoytom Manufacturer of Test Equipment
BlockSim - Opportunity Maintenance in BlockSim - Case Study
SMAC Laboratory: Aeronautical and Space Tests that shake!
Tests of Forces Acting on Collars and Harnesses for Dogs
A globally unique test bench for Investigating fertilizer spreading
Airbus A330 MRTT Noise Certification
Case study: Vale: Reducing the impact of mining noise in the community
Latest Lynx lands safely following development tests
Meneta - Brake Squeal Investigations using Acoustic Holography
Volvo uses nCode DesignLife to predict fatigue life performance
Fuselage Shell Testing at IMA Dresden With HBK
High Octane: torque in the power train of a racing car
The ITER Project: Optical Measurements at Nuclear Reactor
ChovA solutions for sound insulation
Airbus defines a common measurement approach to structura
Rolls Royce PLC, Filton - Acoustic Measurement and Analysis
DCNS streamlines data handling in naval defence
Testing Wind Turbine Power Generators using PULSE
TECHNOLAS Perfect Vision: Development of Eye Lasers
EDF: Hydroelectric Plant Safety Monitoring with HBK Technology
University of Siegen: Material Tests for Research Project
Medical product developement at LifeTec
Temo Pese: Innovation for Special and Non-Standard Weighing Solution
Production of steering couplings for the new SLS AMG
Sound Art - Sounds of Nature - Case Study
Structural Testing of Excavators and Dump Trucks
eMotorsports Cologne Wishbone Testing: Use Electric Strain Gauges
Used in Australia's largest wine-growing region: HBK's Z6 load cell
Aarhus: setups for tests on concrete structures
Bombardier achieves 8 times faster validation of wagon ride and safety
University of Texas: Sand Grain Fracture after Explosions
Robot-controlled acoustic holography for GN ReSound's hearing aid development
BORBET: Tested with QuantumX MX410
Thompson Engineering and Racing
Dassault Aviation's Falcon 8X business jet aces noise certification tests
Serving a greener automotive industry
New Healthtech range features HBK's load cells
SINT Technology
Dieffenbacher: wood-based material panels
Increased quality of molded parts at DORST
Active Noise Reduction - Terma A/S
Environnement - Industrial Site Noise Monitoring
PMX and Haptic Actuators with Shape Memory Effect
Monitoring El Giraldillo in Seville
Sound Research Laboratory - Case study
Testing of a Suspension System Developed for an e-driven race car
Stellantis leverages nCode DesignLife to predict automotive fatigue life
DCTA tests modified helicopters with in-flight structural analysis
HBK load cell Ensure the accuracy of All-Fill’s filling machine
Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace - Case study
Austrian Railways (OBB)
Defence - DCNS - Streamlining data handling
Test bench development of a neck protector for motorcycle
Robust repeatability with the U15 force transducer at ibertest
Static component testing of a drive module with MGCplus
Power Magnetics - Case Study
Millbrook uses nCode GlyphWorks to deliver vehicle test service
MCPI: filling scale for powder
UPM - Polytechnic University of Madrid
Massey Ferguson - Case Study
Teltek dynamic scales for the right quantity of fish in the pack
Testing ramp noise and durability on Lockheed Martin’s F-35
Warwick University - Appraise Project
WA displacement transducers used for taking measurements
ASMET - Acoustic Testing of Exhaust Systems
TU Chemnitz: Fuel-cell driven three-wheel vehicle
New Noise Measurement System - Rolls Royce
Case study: Smartphone app improves vibration testing setup at Faurecia
Mapping noise of military vehicles for the Norwegian defence research establishment
Gemstones make LEDs glow
Federal Mogul Corporation
Crane Maintenance: Reduce Maintenance Costs
The Crossrail Project, London – C501 Moorgate Shaft
Machine Measurement System Alerts Engineers to Potential Problems
Capstone Turbine: XFRACAS to Improve the Power Generator Business
Brake NVH Testing - Akebono
IAE Division of DCTA - Operational Modal Analysis on a Helicopter
AVIO - Case study
Wind energy materials research at Fraunhofer IWES
Using vibration diagnostics for consumer goods reliability - The Vaillant Group
Dassault Aviation: Software offers benefits beyond precis
Underwater Acoustic Noise Measurement of Vessels
BMW - Noise Vibration Harshness Testing
MSC/Link - New Facility
Smartphone app improves vibration testing setup at Faurecia
GKN Aerospace Success with Portable Impedance Meter
Noise and Vibration Evaluation of Military Vehicles - Case Study
ECODHYBAT: Comparison of hygienic and traditional load ce
Keith Yates Design Group - Acoustic Optimisation of Home Theatres
Air France Optimizes Zephyr Test
TSI, Specialist Engineering Services
SEAT Develops Autonomous Data Acquisition System with HBK
CTAG Vehicle Research & Development Centre
Case Study of Acoustic Mapping of International Transportation Route and its Effect on the Local Community
ARBURG: Efficient processes thanks to QuantumX measurement technology
StarkStrom Augsburg e.V. - Chassis Measurements Using Strain Gauges
Interfleet: making trains safer all over the world
HOERBIGER: Multi-axis sensors for a transmission test rig
EPA Wind Farm Project for Open Space and Site Noise Evaluation and Measurement Criteria
Underwater ship noise - JRC Tokkai - Sound intensity
Bridge Monitoring: Long time control of bridge performanc
End-of-line production testing at Volkswagen Kassel (Case Study)
Holmenbrua: Analyzing the carrying capacity
PTB: Energy-Saving Coffee Production
Accurate weight date of soil during subway construction
BMW: Innovative test bench concept for the drive train
New Holland - Cutting the commute for combine harvesters
Bilwinco - Tailor-Made Multi-head weighing
Aircraft Noise Certification for PULSE
CLES-FACIL: Research of Safe Parachute Opening
JAXA: Composite structures research with Optical strain gauges
Bending Beam Load Cell is Ideal for Fertilizer manufacturer
WebTrak - Example Press Campaign for WebTrak Release
Optimizing a Vehicle's Wishbone with HBK
The University of Glamorgan Automotive Component Testing
Ski-Test - A Test Bench for Cross-Country Skis
CETMA: Structural Health Monitoring Against Coastal Erosion
Dynetics: When data is the mission
Cost-effective automation system for manufacturers of bakery machinery
Modular Multi-Level Converter at OIT
Pirelli - Noise and Vibration analysis of Tyres - Case Study
The HBK eDAQ monitors hull for maximum military success
Sorlox: Measuring Fusion Reactions in Real Time
RAL Space: Ensuring satellite reliability with vibration testing
Peerless Loudspeakers - Case study
Veneta Engineering: Height measurement tests
AneCom AeroTest GmbH Quality Assurance
Case New Holland- Evaluating Tractor Sound Quality
Measurements on Water Turbines in Hydropower Plant
S+P WÄGETECHNIK: Wireless Mobile Legal for Trade Scales
Konica Minolta - PULSE Noise Source Identification
Link Engineering - Technical Case Study
HBK Measurement Technology Optimises a Vehicle's Stay Rod
"CETEST, independent testing laboratory "
DB Systemtechnik reserves HBK a permanent seat on regular trains
Koenig & Bauer AG: printing presses
SKF: Machine condition monitoring using PMX
Indonesian Environmental Impact Control Centre Facilities - Pusarpedal
Safe & Efficient Operation of Power Generator with Monitoring Systems
Siemens: Dynamic truck rear axle transmission test rig
Exterior noise certification of the Airbus A330 MRTT
Simond Uses Force Transducers to Develop Mountain Climbing Equipment
Durability testing and monitoring structural performance
University of Windsor, Canada - Validation of lecture hall acoustics through experimental and computer analysis
XCMG Group: Control in Cement Mixing Plants
Measuring Mudslides: Tracking Extreme Forces
With QuantumX on the tracks of the Glacier
GE Healthcare Systems
HORIBA's vehicle test bench VULCAN
Load monitoring in the Olympiahalle arena in Munich
Optimized boat weight by real-time data acquisition
Helping Volvo maximise uptime: PULSE Software Maintenance and Support Agreement
Marenco: A helicopter on the test bench
Long-term monitoring on a motorway bridge
DCTA - The Department of Aerospace Science and Technology
Noise & Vibration Testing - Caterpillar
Quality is King as SINTEF Continues to Rely on HBK
Viking Ship Museum Uses Complete HBK Measurement System
The Transport Research Laboratory
Measured Force on the Chain
Cutting the commute for New Holland's harvesters
Accelerometers help improve Car Safety - Volvo
Thomas Magnete: Brake assistants test with QuantumX from HBK
Valeo - NVH Test and Analysis of Windscreen-wiper systems
Marti/Bitterli/EMPA: reduce vibration
Mazda Motor Corporation - Operational Modal Analysis
Aermacchi - The benefits of alliances
Case Study: The Renault Group
Satellite qualification testing at INPE
Snecma - Ground Vibration Testing - Case Study
KEMA High Voltage Lab: Using HBK's Genesis High Speed
HoneyInstruments - load cell makes the buz
How Hyster Uses HBK Equipment to Test Forklift Trucks
Testing Advanced Aerospace Materials at USC
Novares measure the effects of vibration at different temperatures
BAE Systems integrated structural testing regime
Technip: Permanent load monitoring in power station piping
MACLoC - The Intelligent Climbing Wall
Trasko Automatyka: Production control immune against EMI
NPO Saturn - Aero Engine Noise Certification
Modal analysis and PULSE Reflex (Case Study, The University of Windsor)
Hydro Leduc: Testing System for Speed Hydraulic Motors
Idento Operations uses HBK load cells for intelligent feed systems
Case study: Helping Microsoft to perfect sound quality
Minesto: Power from tidal and ocean currents
Data analysis helps get optimized flex-joints and reduce design risk
Chevy Volt Uses LDS Vibration Test System for electric Vehicle Battery Durability Tests
Ford Motor Company deploys nCode software for vehicle loads data
Japan's largest wind turbine gearbox manufacturer: Ishibashi
HBK technology for building up the first German offshore wind farm
RWTH Aachen: E-Jet Steering Bow with Multi-Axis Sensors
Encounter with a rogue wave: HBK measurement technology ensures reliable results
USDA Forest Service deploys nCode Automation monitoring system
Purdue University - Testing Tyre/Road Noise
BOA optimizes flex-joints to market faster and reduces design risk
IRT Australia: SoMat eDAQ used in Australian rail operation
Pirelli Reifenwerke - Acoustic and Vibration Analysis of Tyres
Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company Limited (Japanese)
Hydrauflush: Maintenance and Overhaul of Hydraulic System
Strain gages in a wind tunnel application
Assembly and Test Solutions for the Automotive Industry
Inalfa - Production Testing of Sunroof Systems
BATZ, global supplier of solutions for the automotive sector
GreenMot: Testing of Electric and Hybrid Drives
HBK helps tail lifts meet regulations ahead of schedule
Noise and Vibration Testing on Fuel Pumps - TI Automotive
Medellín Metro: Portable diagnosis system for mobile data
Case study: NVH Simulator helps Subaru fine-tune sound packages
Measuring the centre of gravity of Airbus A320, A330 & A340
Monitoring of Bonded Joints with Customized Strain Gauges
Continental AG - NVH Measurement and Analysis
Testing of Innovative Offshore Wind Turbines at aerodyn
Helping Microsoft to perfect sound quality
Integration of PMX with Torque Transducers at BCSA
Carcoustics Tech Center GmbH - Automotive NVH Testing Using PULSE
Vibration testing of automotive components: CU ICAR
Sensors on Hydraulic Platform for Translink International
Long service life and short standstill times
FFS: Optimized ski cross performance
Hill-Rom: Analyze Failure Data to Less Test Times for Medical Products
EtherCAT-Capable Test Stand for Electric Motors With TIM-EC
BAE Systems: How to Get Reliable Systems in Complex Combat Vehicles
DB Systemtechnik: Measurement technology in railway engineering
Lockheed Martin's F-35 ramp noise and durability tests
Accurate Analysis of the Drive Using Raw Data
Cummins helps ensure generator set reliability with nCode GlyphWorks
Kindai University: Hearing loss at call centres
Gießen Regional Council - Noise control
SHP opts for QuantumX from HBK for bridge monitoring
The Hohenstein Group: Optimal Results Under Pressure
Hansen Transmissions - Analisi di riduttori
Case study:_Satellite Qualification Testing at INPE_
XFMEA - integration of ReliaSoft XFMEA into Navistar's - New Test
Bobcat reduces operator vibrations with whole-vehicle analysis
Safeguarding Londoners from construction noise
Isuzu - Improving the Sound Quality of Diesel Engines
Continental - Modal analysis of tyres - Case study
Best Crown China: highly accurate filling of coconut milk
Kai Le co: design optimization of auger-drilling machines
NEXCO-RI - Reducing Environmental Road Noise, Japan
Fine-Spect Develops a Checkweigher with FIT7A as the Core Element
EU Directive Compliance, R&D Testing - Liebherr
Kee Safety utilizes QuantumX in product development
Brüel & Kjær completes delivery of BAE HVME system
Lufthansa: Actuator testing
End-of-line production testing at Volkswagen, Kassel
Linamar - A Company on the Move
EMG PRESSES rely on MP85A FASTpress
Benien Produktionstechnik GmbH - Case Study
Wärtsilä: Using Natural Gas as Fuel in Marine Engines
Driving Dynamics Tests on Agricultural Machinery
The signals of an electric eel: piezoelectric power gener
IASP: Powerful Weighing Technology for Greener Energy
Noise Vibration Testing - London Taxis International
Vbration tests helps Valeo deliver reliability and performance
LISA Airplanes: Many technological innovations
Manitou - Case study
Dyno Dynamics: High-Speed Engine Dynamometers
Determination of center of gravity of mining machine superstructures
Lockheed Martin establishes a modern force transducer cal
Hirschvogel Pinghu: forging forces
Accelerated Life Testing to Achieve Optimum Design and Reliability
Ghent University uses GEN5i to measure the impact of bird strikes
FZK: loading by waves in wind power plants
Flying Eurofighter noise mapped by Brüel & Kjær
Roxtec International AB, Sweden - Flexible cable and pipe sealing solutions
Brüel & Kjær - A Lifetime of Quality
UPM: Concrete beams provide greater resistance to impact
Liebel: Throughput checkweigher
Hansen Transmissions - Wind Turbine Gearbox Testing with PULSE
Solar/Wind Power for Noise Monitoring Terminals
IEF Werner: Servo press assembles fine and large parts
Analysis of Multiple Load Cases in a Single Test Bench
a-solution uses standard components to tune up test bench
Weighing technology takes central role in monitoring of tires production
PW22 meets requirements of scales manufacturer and certification body
Advanced Lightning Warning System Protects Spacecraft Launches
TRaC UK - LDS V984 Vibration Testing of Fuel Probes for the V22 Osprey
HBK Supports Sikorsky in Complex Helicopter Testing
SEAT - Audit Testing - Case study
Alenia Aeronautica - Flight Test Instrumentation
"RASTI Measurements in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London"
Isuzu - Improving the sound quality of diesel engines (Japanese)
TU Darmstadt Racing Team e.V. - Mobile Data Acquisition
Mobile Phone Testing - Flextronics
Marshall - convert and validate large, complex flight test data
Columbia River: underwater blasting project
BOAS: Infrastructures Under Close Supervision with HBK Transducers
Bosch Rexorth - Customized Testcell - Case Study
I.A.T. & Earthsystem: Monitoring of a church
Highly Efficient Test Bench For e-Motors Innovation
Force sensors measure impact of waves on flood defenses
Precise HBK data acquisition makes Jaguar even safer
The Kaunertal Project: Optical Measurements at High Press
Nordland County Municipality - Maintain the safety of Herøysund bridge
NIO develops improved durability simulations with help from AMCT
Ensuring structural integrity in commercial vehicles
Delivering quality data to increase mission capable aircraft readiness
Life-changing hearing health and the role of HBK’s HATS
DAQ System Helps General Atomics Develop Motor for Aerospace
Full-Scale Accelerated Fatigue Test on a Rail Car Designed and Analyzed with nCode GlyphWorks - NEW
Measurement Day at HBK Virum with DTU Students
FRACAS closed-loop system helps meet API S53 compliance (2021)
Delivering quality data to increase mission capable aircraft readiness
Defense Success Story - The Challenge of Designing and Producing Reliable Systems in Complex Combat Vehicles
Weibull++ | Weibull Analysis and Zero-Time Failures - APTIV - Case Study - NEW
Keeping vehicle exhaust noise in check
How H3X is revolutionizing electric aviation with HBK’s Electric Motor Testing solutions
Recorded Webinars
Why digital sensors are the future - force, torque and load with IO-Link
Connecting physical and virtual testing in aerospace structural integrity
Automatic Field Data Processing for Equipment Validation
Webinar - Advanced Fatigue Calculations in nCode Glyphworks
Big Data Analytics for Engineers
A Better Way to Use MATLAB for Test Data Analysis
Automatic Reporting in nCode
Why Do Electrification Engineers Choose nCode GlyphWorks?
Webinar - DesignLife | Fatigue of Gray Cast Iron Powertrain Components
Webinar - Introduction to nCode DesignLife for Fatigue of Welds
System Reliability Analysis Using ReliaSoft BlockSim
Accelerated Testing
A Practical Use Case for Accelerated Degradation Analysis: Implementation, Challenges, and Results using ReliaSoft Software
Webinar - Understanding Fatigue Performance of Additive Layer Manufactured (ALM) Titanium Alloy
Lambda Predict Version 9 Quick Start Guide Chapter 1
Webinar - Material Testing and Fatigue Characterisation for Fatigue of Welds in nCode DesignLife
Understanding RMS, Reactive Power, and Apparent Power
Introduction Split-Hopkinson Bar Testing
Real-time Analysis of Electric Drives
Dynamic Power Measurement
Enhancements to the Genesis HighSpeed Family
Introduction to nCode GlyphWorks
Flexible Test and Measurement - with QuantumX
What's New: Perception 8.00
Acoustics and Vibration Analysis with nCode VibeSys
Actionable Insights from Digital Streams with nCodeDS
Applications for High-speed Torque Measurements
Aqira | Extending nCode Software to the Next Level
Accelerate Decision Making with Faster Analysis and Data Search
Introduction to nCode DesignLife
Design for Reliability Webinar Series: Part 2 - Reliability Risk Identification and Mitigation Using ReliaSoft XFMEA
Introduction to nCode Automation
Determine Measurement Uncertainties Using Power Analyzers
Battery Test Webinar Series - Performance and Efficiency Aspects of Electric Vehicles
Webinar - Composites: Fatigue Testing and Predictive Capabilities
Understanding the Wheatstone Bridge
How to Generate Consistent and Seamless Engineering Reports Using the Studio Glyph in nCode GlyphWorks
Webinar - Tips and Tricks for Understanding Vibration Fatigue in nCode DesignLife
Infrastructure Monitoring with Optical Sensors
DesignLife | Vehicle Lightweighting: Rivets, Joints and Composites
Structural Health Monitoring on Wind Turbines
Selecting the Right Amplifier for Your Application
Introduction to FIDES Standard Using ReliaSoft Lambda Predict
Webinar - Fatigue Curves & Material Datasets
What's New in ReliaSoft 2019
Learn How to Set Up a Force Measurement Chain from A-Z
Vehicle Lightweighting: Remove Weight, Not Strength
Electric Motors 101 for N&V Engineers
Reliability and Maintainability Solutions in Warehouse Operations: Best Practices for Same-Day Delivery with ReliaSoft Software
Residual stress measurements by hole drilling in accordan
Measurement Cables and Shielding
How XFMEA Can Help Improve Your FMEAs
Design for Reliability Webinar Series: Part 4 - Reliability Testing Strategies for Repairable System Using ReliaSoft Weibull++
Design for Reliability Webinar Series: Part 3 - Reliability Testing Strategies for Non-Repairable Components with Weibull++'s Accelerated Life Testing Module
Obtain Fast and Accurate Results For Any eDrive Test
What to consider when installing a torque transducer
What's New in nCode DesignLife 2020
Powerful Processing of Measured Data
CAN BUS Integration to Accelerate Electric Motor Testing
High Voltage Impulse Testing
Electrical Signals to Evaluate Motor Durability
How to Accurately and Quickly Perform Electric Motor and
Measurement Uncertainty of Force Measurement
From Strain to Lifetime
Webinar - 10 Common Mistakes in Fatigue Analysis
Webinar - Introduction to nCode GlyphWorks for Durability Analysis
Advanced Structural Health Monitoring: Three Must-haves
Tips for Strain Gauge Installation on Composite Materials
Test Bench and Control Technology
Higher RPM and Dynamics in Torque Measurements: A Trend?
The Minimum Vital Signal Processing Skills an FE Simulation Engineer Must Have
catman Enterprise - Thousands of Channels at a Glance
Integrated CANbus for HBK Power Analyzer and Perception
Building up Reference Measuring Chains
Mechanical Stress Testing of Materials Validates Finite E
Improving Reliability and Maintenance with RAM Analysis
Understand Electric Power from Digitized Electric Powertrain Data
Using Optical Strain Gauge Sensors with catman Software
Introduction to Quantitative Accelerated Life Testing Analysis
Calculate a Strain Gauge's Excitation Voltage
Whats New in nCode 2023
Electrical and Signal Post-Processing Techniques for AC Power Analysis in Electric Vehicles
Shaker Profile Design for Optimized Vibration Durability Tests
Common Questions Asked in Strain Gauge Applications
Residual Stress Analysis
Customizing GlyphWorks using Python Scripting
Temperature Compensation of Strain Gauges
Vibration Profile Design (formally known as Accelerated Testing)
Webinar - Introduction to nCode DesignLife for Frequency Domain Fatigue
Maintenance Strategies Using ReliaSoft RCM++
HBK Field Services - PCB Testing
Research & Development Testing
ReliaSoft and IBM Maximo Integration: A Framework to Drive Asset Planning and Performance
Accelerate Engineering Insights with Data Search
Getting Started With Data Acquisition Software catman
Strain Gauge Specifications: What do I need to know when
Avoid Typical Errors in Strain Gauge Installations
Creating an Equivalent Damage Validation Test with nCode GlyphWorks
Dynamic Testing and Analysis of Inverters, Electric Motor
How to Choose Strain Gauges for Sensor Design
Important Factors in Material Fatigue Testing
Fully-Automated Filling and Dosing
Integrating QuantumX Into Your Own Software Using the API
Get Smart in Your Production
What's New in nCode 12
Webinar - Durability and Reliability Post-processing from Rail Operational Data
Building sensors based on strain gauge technology
Webinar - Ensuring Full Vehicle Durability
Testing on Electrical Drive Trains
Benefits of Using nCode GlyphWorks Instead of Microsoft Excel for Processing Measured Data
Webinar - Random Vibration Fatigue Capabilities in nCode DesignLife
ReliaSoft XFRACAS as a Base Solution for Asset Performance Management
Smart Signal Conditioners in PC-Software Applications
CANape with HBM QuantumX
Webinar - Fatigue of welds using nCode DesignLife
Optimized Testing for Proving Grounds using nCode
How to Create Your Own Weighing-Application
Customize Perception with User Keys and the New
Building Signal Processing Graphically using nCodeDS
Selecting The Right Filter for Your Application
Ensure Minimal Measurement Uncertainty
Strain Gauge Based Fatigue Analysis
Resonant Bending Fatigue Test on Pipes
Innovative Monitoring
Advanced Aircraft Electrical System Testing
Dynamic Real Time Power Measurement
QuantumX MX1615 - A Universal Bridge Amplifier
Optical Fiber Sensors Unveiled - How These Sensors Will Fulfill your Application Needs
Improving Shaker Tests to Deliver Reliable Products
Durability Testing On High Tensile Materials
Test & Measurement Equipment for Electric Motors
Measuring Torque in Marine Applications
Understanding Measurement Uncertainty for Electric Drives
Design a Flawless Optical Measurement System
How to Properly Install Strain Gauges
Temperature Compensation of Strain Gauges
Advanced Aircraft Electric System Testing
Overview of Life Data Analysis (Nerdlunch Webinar)
How to Install a Torque Sensor
Introduction to Vibration and Dynamics
Correlating FE and Test
Applying Statistical and Reliability Techniques for Determining Battery Life in Electric Vehicles
High-speed Data Acquisition in Strain Measurement
Calibration & Re-Calibration of Torque Transducers
Simplifying Motor Inverter Validation
GPS Visualization & Processing
Mobile Data Acquisition Made Easy
Correctly Measuring Current and Voltage
Intelligent Monitoring Systems for Machines and Buildings
From Sensor to Industrial Automation
What's New in nCode 2018?
Strain Gauge Measurements on PCBs
How to Turn a Component Into an Active Sensor
Temperature Stabilization of Test Product Using Design of Experiment Methods
Fatigue and Durability Testing
Fatigue and Durability Analysis with nCode GlyphWorks
High-voltage Pantograph Overhead-line Monitoring
Composites - Hints for Strain Gauge Installation
Durability Assessment of Adhesive Bonds in Vehicles Bodies
Lunch and Learn: Automated Reporting in nCode GlyphWorks
Fatigue and Durability of Modern Engineered Materials
High Precision Torque Sensors for Flexible Measuring
Engineering Services for Strain in Americas
Calculating Residual Stress from the Measured Strain
Maximizing Test Time Efficiency in Aircraft Testing
Rotating Machinery Noise and Vibration Analysis with nCode VibeSys
Strain Gauge Measurements on PCBs
Solving Customer OEM Sensor Problems
Reducing Emissions Through Load Measurements
How to Confidently Accelerate Life Tests
Everything You Should Know about Aircraft Structur
Incorporating Industrial Ethernet Into Your Measurement
Introduction to Measuring Electric Power
Process Control for Torque to Turn & Press Fit Monitoring
New Solutions for Smart Weighing Applications 4.0
Get the Most out of TEDS
Reliability Test Design: Linking Fatigue and Reliability
Psycho-Acoustics Analysis with nCode VibeSys Using Experimental Data
Using Warranty Data Analysis for Making Better Business Decisions
Fatigue Characterization and Testing of Materials
Setting up a Force Measurement Chain in Test&Measurement
What's New: Perception 8.00 Electric Power Testing
Using Warranty Data Analysis for Making Business Decisions
What Impact Does High Accuracy Have on Torque Measurement
From the Sensor to the Control
Modal Analysis with nCode VibeSys
An Introduction to Noise and Vibration in Electric Motors
FRACAS - A Key Contributor to the Success of a Reliability Program
Creating an Equivalent Damage Validation Test with nCode GlyphWorks
Tips and Tricks Using catman Easy/AP
Vibration of Rotating Machinery
Reliability Growth Analysis: Why, When and How It Is Applied
Typical Errors in Strain Gauge Installation
Back EMF Measurements for End of Line Motor Validation
The Challenges of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
The Pros and Cons of Amplified Force Sensors
Preparing Strain Gauge Measurements With Bridge Amplifier
Real Time Analysis of Electric Drives
Introduction to Reliability Test Design Using ReliaSoft Weibull++
Test Data Analysis for Aerospace
Designing Landing Gear for Durability
Efficiency Testing on Electrical Drive Trains
Rugged, Unattended Vehicle Testing
Hole-Drilling Residual Stress Measurements
Accurate Load Measurements in Marine Engines
Residual stress measurements - ASTM standard
Measuring Torque Ripple and Noise and Vibration
Composite Failure Analysis in nCode DesignLife
Optical & Electrical Test & Measuring Equipment
Fast Efficiency Mapping of Electric Drives
Innovative Optical Measurement Technology
Introduction to nCode Automation
How To Accelerate Motor Calibration & Control Development
Measurements with Cylindrical Strain Gauges in Bolts
Using LabView with HBM DAQ
Selecting a Power Analyzer for Electric Drive Testing
Structural Dynamics: Transient and Random Loading with nCode DesignLife
What's New in Reliasoft 2023
What's New in ReliaSoft 2021
Protecting Strain Gauge Measuring Points - Tips and Tricks
Installing Torque Transducers
How to Confidently Accelerate Life Tests
Calculating Residual Stress from Measured Strain
Tips & Tricks:How to Install a Rotating Torque Transducer
Dynamic Power Measurement and Faster Efficiency Mapping
Introduction to nCode GlyphWorks Super Glyphs
Requirements of Modern Automation Systems
What's New in Perception v8.30
HBM Torque 101
The HBM Collection of Universal Strain Gauge Bri
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Vibration Analysis
A Sensor for Electrical Temperature Measurement
FEA-Test Comparison with Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) Analysis
Electrical & Optical Strain Gauges in Wind Turbine
Smart Technologies for Mobile Vehicle Testing
What's New in nCode 2022
Multi-Channel Data Acquisition
Torque Measurement Uncertainty 101
Three Ways to Optimize Your Production with IOT
Measuring Power Losses in Motors and Inverters
Advantages of digital weighing technology
Powertrain Durability Analysis using Measured Data
Demystifying Dual Range Torque Sensors
10 Ways to Avoid Wasting Time on Durability Testing
Recent Advancements in the Hole-Drilling Strain
Vibration of Rotation Machinery
Design for Reliability Webinar Series: Part 1 - How to Set Reliability Targets Using ReliaSoft Software
Distributed Analysis and High Performance Computing with DesignLife HB
Reliability Techniques for Determining Battery Life in Electric Vehicles
Introduction to Reliability Engineering
Correlating Experimental Test Data and FE Results
Challenges in Data Management for SHM
Correlation of CAE and Experimental Test Results
How to Turn a Component into an Active Sensor
Accelerated Efficiency Mapping of Electric Machines with
How to Reproduce Engine Vibrations on Shaker Tables
Webinar - Editing Time Series Data with nCode GlyphWorks
Modal Analysis with nCode VibeSys 13
Reliability and Maintainability Optimization for High-Value Assets
Electric Motors 201 for N&V Engineers
Railway Pantograph Overhead-Line Monitoring
Overwhelmed by Data, Solutions for Making Key Decisions from your Test Data
Three Ways to Optimize Your Production with IOT
Dynamic Power Measurements: Electric/Hybrid Drive Systems
Control Solutions in Mechatronic Systems
Looking at Measured Data in the Frequency Domain
New Sensor Concepts for Checkweighers
Validating Motors, Inverters, and Electric Powertrain
Power Analysis on Complex Drives
High Precision Torque Sensor for all Tasks
Electric motor harmonic analysis, tracking & measurement
Implementing the New AIAG-VDA FMEA Handbook using ReliaSoft XFMEA
Introduction to Strain Gauges
Web-based Dashboard for ReliaSoft Applications
Is a Newton always a Newton?
Reduce Your Effort!
Introducing the New Circular Shaft Torque Semsor
Introduction to Reliability Block Diagrams Using ReliaSoft BlockSim
Monopile Monitoring with FBG Sensors
Tech Compared in Bridge Monitoring
Distributed Analysis and High Performance Computing with DesignLife
Field Installations of Optical SHM Systems
Structural Testing in Modern Aircraft Design
10 Ways to Make your Process Smarter with Metadata
Webinar - Frequency Domain Fatigue Analysis with nCode DesignLife
Connecting Force Transducers to Instruments
Benefits of the Modern-Day Measurement Chain
Understanding Measurement Uncertainty in Electric Drives
How to Choose a Rotating Torque Sensor
From the Sensor to the Control
Measuring Temperatures and Voltages
Advantages of Digital Force Measurements
Battery Pack Test & Measurement Webinar Series
Minimizing Measurement Uncertainty
Functionality and Performance Improvements in nCode 13.1
How to reduce electric drive testing times by 50%
Force Measurement Using Strain Transducers
Dynamometer Engine Testing
Electric Aircraft Powertrain Testing
Vibration Analysis in nCode Glyphworks
Tips and Tricks for nCode GlyphWorks
New Approach to Warranty Data Analysis
Introducing eDAQXR-lite
Strain Gauge Specifications
Designing and Testing Endurance of Structural Components for Electric Vehicles
Webinar - Analysis Methods for Fatigue of Welds
Linking the Time and Frequency Domain with nCode VibeSys
Mechanical Aircraft Testing
Flexible Testing with QuantumX
Block Cycle Test Creation in nCode GlyphWorks
Applying the Wheatstone Bridge Circuit
Dynamic Strain Measurement
Higher RPM and Dynamics in Torque Measurements
Fatigue Characterization and Testing of Materials
Webinar - Creating an Equivalent Damage Validation Test with nCode GlyphWorks
Lower Production Costs using Smart Industrial Electronics
How to Reduce Measurement Uncertainty
Digital Recorders - The Modern Replacement
Powertrain and Safety Factor Analysis
Introduction to Reliability Test Design Using ReliaSoft Weibull++
Webinar - The Role of Vibration Fatigue in nCode DesignLife
Using Advanced Analysis and Measurement Techniques
Optimize Vehicle Testing using XCP-on-Ethernet
Time Frequency Analysis
Software Development: Optimization by Adding Sensor Data
Structural health monitoring of wind turbines
Power measurement on wind turbine generators
Improving the Durability and Efficiency of Electric Vehicles with Powerful Analysis
What's New in ReliaSoft 2020
Maximizing Test Time Efficiency in Aircraft
Setting up Measuring Amplifiers safely with TEDS
Precise Weighing in Your Packaging Machine
A New Era with Open Automation
Strain Gauge Methods for Measuring Residual Stress
nCode 13 | Functionality and Performance Improvements
Understanding And Measuring Failure Modes
From Strain to Report Using Strain Gauges
Efficiency Testing on Electrical Drive Trains
Configuring an Amplifier for Data Acquisition
Using Display and Analysis Techniques to Rapidly Gain Insights from Measured Load Data
How Electrification Has Changed Aircraft Testing
Benefits of Load Reconstruction
Measurement Uncertainty in Torque Applications
Strain Gauge Excitation
Selecting the Right Strain Gauges & Adhesives
Power Analysis on Complex Drives
What's New in nCode 2019
Modal Analysis using Hammer or Shaker Excitation
Multi-channel Data Acquisition with High Sample Rate Requ
Configuring an Amplifier for Data Acquisition
Streamlining Data Manipulation and Engineering Analysis with Pandas and nCodeDS
Structural Health Monitoring Using Optical Technology
Smart Industrial Electronics for Lower Production Costs
Understanding NVH in Inverter Driven Electric Machines
How Digital Weighing Technology Saves You Money
Hygienic Dynamic Weighing in Industrial Packaging Systems
Measuring Power Losses in Electric Motors and Inverters
Track FMEAs and Reliability Results via Web Browser
Mastering Aerodynamics - Road to Precision and Accuracy
Tips & Tricks: Torque Ripple and NVH Test Stand Setup
Optical Measurement Solutions for Aerospace
Load Monitoring Systems in Press Applications
Road Load Data Acquisition with CAN FD
Measuring Torque Ripple Accurately
Intelligent Automation Systems in Test Bench and
Fundamentals of RAM Analysis: How to Conduct a RAM Analysis Using ReliaSoft's Reliability Block Diagrams
Measurements at High Strain Levels
Torque Measurement Uncertainty
Introduction to Fatigue & Durability
Simplifying Large Channel Count DAQ Systems
Automation and Data Analysis in Test Stands
High Speed Torque & Couplings for Demanding Applications
Maintenance Cost Optimization for a System with Assured Availability
Design for Reliability Webinar Series: Part 5 - Reliability Test Design: Linking Fatigue and Reliability
Strain and Strain Rate Measurement on PCBs
In Vehicle Electric Power Measurements I
Four Steps to Easily Integrate Optical Sensors
Impact of High Accuracy on Torque Measurements
Structural Health Monitoring Using Optical Technology
Grid Harmonics Measurement
Understanding Source of Noise of Electric Engines
Next Generation eDAQ... the eDAQXR
What's New in nCode 2022.1
Testing electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft
Understanding Force Sensors and Best Practices
Aqira 2019 for Engineering Apps and Process Standardization
Road Load Data Acquisition & Vehicle Testing with CAN FD
Mixed signal measurement in full-scale aircraft testing
ReliaSoft 2018: New Capabilities
Data Driven Decisions with ReliaSoft Weibull++
Durability and Reliability Driven Asset Management
Bending Beam Load Cells in Harsh Environments
Calibration and Recalibration of Force and Load Sensors
Advantages of Digital Force Measurements
An Introduction to Electric Power Measurement
Ensure Minimal Measurement Uncertainty
Metallic Strain Gauges and Their Mechanical Load Limits
Strain Gauge based Precision Measurement Chains
How to Install a Torque Transducer - Tips & Tricks
Ensuring Aircraft Integrity through Streamlined and Automated Data Process
Infield's Test Control Module
Integration of Torque Sensors into Automation Environment
Back EMF measurements for electric vehicle motor
Electrification Meets Ground Vibration Testing
Fatigue and Durability Explained
Battery Test Webinar Series - Understanding and Improving the Performance, Durability and Reliability of Electric Vehicles
Railway Measurements Webinar Series
Measure, Control and Connect with PMX
How to Choose the Right Force Sensor for My Measurement
Advanced Aircraft Electrical System Testing
Thermal Testing Methods for eMobility
The Ideal Measurement Chain of Torque for Electric Motors
An Update on Materials Engineering & Selection
Uncertainty of Force Measurements
Measuring Torque Ripple in Electric Machines
Minimize Measurement Uncertainty of Strain Gauge
Optical Fibre Sensors Unveiled
catman Sensor Database
catman's Transducer Database
Battery Test Webinar Series - Mechanical and Durability Aspects of Electric Vehicles
Checkweighing for Your 100%-Quality Control
How to Correctly Install Force Transducers
An Introduction to Shaker testing
Why Does Your Product Break?
What's New in nCode 11.1
Understanding the Wheatstone Bridge
In Vehicle Electric Power Measurements II
Accelerometers for Beginners: Selection,Proper Use & Care
New GEN3i Portable Data Acquisition & Perception
Get the Most out of Your Optical Interrogator
Safe and Easy Calibration of Machines and Production
Creating Custom Multi-Axis Sensors for Robotics
nCode 13 Functionality and Performance Improvements
Advanced Measurements and Analysis
Selecting the Right Strain Gauge, Adhesive, and Covering
Protecting Strain Gauge Measuring Points
How to Perform Design FMEA Using ReliaSoft XFMEA
Making Safe and Accurate High Power Measurements
Introduction to Measurements Using Strain Gauges
Vehicle Energy Management and Range Testing for Vehicles
Smart Signal Conditioners versus PLC
Optimize Structures with Asset Health Monitoring
Mobile Durability Testing and CAN FD
How to Select a Rotating Torque Sensor
How to Correctly Install Force Transducers
What's New in ReliaSoft 2022
Easily Visualize Multiple Videos with Signals in Sync Using nCode GlyphWorks
Accelerometers - Selection, Correct Use and Care
Battery Test Webinar Series - Statistical and Reliability Aspects of Electric Vehicles
Tips and Tricks for Using Strain Gauges
What's New in nCode 2023.1
Test Data Management and Analysis using Aqira
Structural Dynamics Questions?
Webinar: Scale Your Reliability Analysis With Automation and Data Integration
General Noise & Vibration and Structural Dynamics Testing in NVH
Exterior Noise in NVH
Smart Force Sensors: Enhanced Accuracy, Higher Reliability and New Applications in Test and Production
Adopt Physics Informed Machine Learning, With Sensor Data, to Find More Robust Models for the Prediction of Structural Failures
What's New in nCode 2024
Standards-based reliability predictions with ReliaSoft LambdaPredict
Empowering Engineers with Data Management
Maximizing Process Efficiency for Managers
Simplifying IT Management for Automotive Data Systems
Using ReliaSoft to meet Ford CSR and other OEM FMEA requirements
Building Acoustics Measurements with 2255
Environmental Noise Measurements with 2245 and 2255
Introduction to 2245 and 2255
Addressing the Challenges of Vibration Fatigue for Electric Vehicles
Whats New in nCode 2024.1
Selecting The Right Shaker System
DE-Warum digitalen Sensoren die Zukunft gehört - Kraft-, Gewichts- und Drehmomentsensoren mit IO-Link Schnittstelle
Why digital sensors are the future - force, torque and load with IO-Link
Unparalleled Precision in Sound and Vibration Testing: Introducing Fusion-LN
Intro to Fatigue and Durability
Test Data Analysis with nCode GlyphWorks
Get Smart in Your Weighing Technology (WT) and Save Time and Money
Connecting Physical and Virtual Testing in Automotive Durability
Turn Data Overload into Actionable Insights - Introducing Advantage Insights empowered by nCode
Unveiling Event: A First Look at ReliaSoft Cloud
Deep Dive Webinar: Exploring the Capabilities of ReliaSoft Cloud
Aussagekräftige Interpretation von Schallfeldkartierungen mittels SONAH und Conformal Mapping - DAGA 2007
Neue Qualitäten in der Signalerfassungstechnik - Dyn-X und Req-X - VDI-Schwingungstagung 2007
Applications of Frequency Domain Curve-fitting in the EFDD Technique - IMAC 2008
Application of sound source identification using clean-sc to a turbofan engine
A new approach to end of line vehicle audit – turning subjective evaluations to objective rankings using a new signal processing algorithm
The use of measurements and GPS for noise mapping, Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting 2004
Engineering Information Note: Dos and Don'ts in Vibration
Technical Tips No. 1: Trading Velocity and Force using Transformer Tapping
Modal analysis of operating wind turbine rotors: two OMA methods to deal with periodic systems
Cointegration for Detecting Structural Blade Damage in an Operating Wind Turbine: An Experimental Study
Adaptive feature selection for enhancing blade damage diagnosis on an operational wind turbine
A comparative study on data manipulation in PCA-based structural health monitoring systems for removing environmental and operational variations
Cross-spectral matrix denoising for beamforming in wind tunnels
New techniques and tools for efficient test setup and system verification
A New Beam Beam Array Design For Noise Source Site, ASA 2002
The Use of Measurements and GPS for Noise Mapping, Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting 2004
Quality Assurance for the Calculation of Large Noise Maps - Forum Acousticum 2002
Uncertainties in Environmental Noise Assessments ISO 1996, Effects of Instrument Class and Residual Sound
Long-term Leq Errors Expected and how long to Measure (Uncertainty and Noise Monitoring) - Forum Acousticum 2005
Implementing Prediction Standards and Calculation Software - the Various Sources of Uncertainty - Forum Acousticum 2005
Error Propagation Analysis of XPS 31-133 and CRTN to help Develop a Noise Mapping Data Standard - Forum Acousticum 2005
Uncertainty Analysis of the Harmonoise Road Source Emission Levels - Forum Acousticum 2005
Accuracy Implications of Using the WG-AEN Good Practice Guide Toolkits - Forum Acousticum 2005
Current Trends in Environmental Noise Monitoring in Europe - INCE-Japan 2005
Current Trends in Environmental Noise Calculation Software in Europe - INCE-Japan 2005
Nordtest Method of Implementation of Environmental Noise Calculation Methods in Software - Euronoise 2006
Measurement of transmission loss of materials using a standing wave tube - Internoise 2006
Travelling Waves in Squealing Disc Brakes Measured with Acoustic Holography - SAE 2003
Erweiterung des nutzbaren Dynamik- und Frequenzbereiches - DAGA 2008
Effiziente KFZ-Innenraum-Schallfeldkartierungen mittels Spherical Beamforming und Conformal Mapping - DAGA 2008
Moderne Verfahren zur Schallquellenortung mit Arraysystemen - Paper
Efficient Interior Noise Source Identification based on conformal mapping using SONAH holography for details on selected panels - JSAE 2008
Transducer Response Equalization - JSAE 2008
Exterior Noise Contribution Analysis with Simulated Indoor Pass-by Measurement - SAE INDIA 2008
Investigation of volume velocity source based on two microphone method for measuring vibro-acoustic transfer functions - ISMA 2008
Application of decomposition-based technique in NVH source contribution analysis - ISMA 2008
Application of OMA-EMIF Algorithm to Cable Stayed Bridges - ISMA 2008
Traveling waves in squealing disc brakes measured with acoustic holography
Operational Modal Analysis on Structures with Rotating Parts - ISMA 2008
3D Localization of Acoustic Sources with a Spherical Array - Acoustics '08
Binaural Auralization based on Spherical-Harmonics Beamforming - Acoustics '08
Array based Measurement of Radiated and Absorbed Sound Intensity Components - Acoustics '08
A Comparison of SONAH and IBEM for Near-field Acoustic Holography - Acoustics '08
A Study of Regularization Parameter choice in Near-field Acoustical Holography - Acoustics '08
ISO 1996 Tones - Acoustics '08
Array based Measurement of Radiated and Absorbed Sound intensity Components - Acoustics '08
Operational Modal Analysis on a Wind Turbine Gearbox - IMAC 2009
Application of Transmissibility Matrix Method to NVH Source Contribution Analysis - IMAC 2009
Clustering Approaches to Automatic Modal Parameter Estimation - IMAC 2009
Application of Operational Modal Analysis and Blind Source Separation / Independent Component Analysis Techniques to Wind Turbines - IMAC 2009
Feasibility of Using Four-Post Road Simulator for Modal Analysis of a Truck Frame - IMAC 2009
Operational Modal Analysis of Large 2-pole Rotating Machinery - IOMAC 2009
Data Acquisition Systems for Operational Modal Analysis - IOMAC 2009
Turnkey free-field reciprocity system for primary microphone calibration - Internoise 2009
Time Selective Response Measurements - Good Practices and uncertainty - Internoise 2010
Dynamic Characterization of Operational Wind Turbines using Operational Modal Analysis - Paper
System identification methods on Alstom ECO 100 wind turbine - Paper
Developments in Transmissibility Matrix method in application for structure borne noise path analysis - JSAE 2009
Application of operational noise path analysis to systems with rotational degrees of freedom - ISMA 2010
Applicability Limits of Operational Modal Analysis to Operational Wind Turbines - Paper
Application of Transmissibility Matrix method to structure borne path contribution analysis - NAG/DAGA 2009
Output-only Modal Analysis on Operating Wind Turbines Application to Simulated Data - EWEC 2010
Aerodynamic noise source identification in wind tunnels using acoustical array techniques - 8th MIRA
Multi-field Microphone – when the Sound Field is unknown - IMAC 2009
Operational modal analysis on a modified helicopter - IMAC 2011
Operational Modal Analysis of operating wind turbines: application to measured data - IMAC 2011
Advanced operational modal analysis methods for linear time periodic system identification - IMAC 2011
An alternating least squares (ALS) based blind source separation algorithm for operational modal analysis - IMAC 2011
A Comparison of Two and Four Microphone Standing Wave Tube - Procedures for Estimating the Normal Incidence Absorption Coefficient - Internoise 2009
Using Sound Quality To Improve Your Product - International Appliance Technical Conference & Exhibition 2006
Correlating Noise Sources Identified by Beamforming with Sound Power Measurements - SAE 2005
Comparative Study of the ASTM E1050 Standard for Different - NoiseCon 2011
Technology Advances in Remote Noise Monitoring - Paper
Dynamic Noise Mapping for Pro-Active Environment Noise Management - Internoise 2011
Noise source identification - Acoustics 2012
High-resolution Fly-over Beamforming Using a Small Practical Array
Noise Source Identification with Blade Tracking on a Wind Turbine
Recent Advances in Rail Vehicle Moving Source Beamforming
Use of hand-held array for NVH measurement in the automotive industry
Localizing Noise Sources on a Rail Vehicle during Pass-by
Quantifying uncertainty in modal parameters estimated using higher order time domain algorithms - IMAC 2014
Modal Analysis of Rotating Wind Turbine using Multiblade Coordinate Transformation - IMAC 2014
Application of OMA to operational wind turbine
Application of OMA to operational wind turbine: methods for clearing the Campbell diagram
Harmonic Removal as a Pre-processing Step for Operational Modal Analysis: Application to Operating Gearbox Data
Quantifying uncertainty in modal parameters estimated using higher order time domain algorithms
A Non-Hermitian Joint Diagonalization based Blind Source Separation algorithm for Operational Modal Analysis
Least action criteria for blind separation of structural modes
Using the unified matrix polynomial approach (UMPA) for the development of the stochastic subspace identification (SSI) algorithm
A study and extension of second-order blind source separation to operational modal analysis
Designing the sound experience with NVH simulation
Effect of a damage to modal parameters of a wind turbine blade
Force transmissibility versus displacement transmissibility
Experimental characterization of operating bladed rotor using harmonic power spectra and stochastic subspace identification
Wideband acoustical holography
Evaluation of SPC and BSS for indoor pass-by noise contribution analysis
Estimating Contributions of Vehicle Pass-by Noise Sources
Environmental Sound Classification in Realistic Situations
New techniques to determine specific noise for increasing the effectiveness of continuous unattended noise monitoring systems
Non-stationary Holography on Arbitrary Source Shapes
Noise sentinel – a proactive approach to noise management in mining operations at BHP Billiton Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd
Experimental characterization of an operating Vestas V27 wind turbine using harmonic power spectra and OMA SSI
Comparative study of OMA applied to experimental and simulated data from an operating Vestas V27 wind turbine
Reproduction of realistic background noise for testing telecommunications devices
A practical guide to using MIMO vibration control for MIL-STD-810 single axis transport testing of large, resonant land based military payloads
Extension of acoustic holography to cover higher frequencies
Utilising the Strengths of Different Sound Sensor Networks in Smart CityNoise Management
Idle Vibration Analysis and Evaluation Utilizing a Full-Vehicle NVH Simulator
From noise monitoring to noise management a better way to deal with noise issues
Simulation of realistic background noise using multiple loudspeakers
Experimental dynamic characterization of operating wind turbines with anisotropic rotor
Smart Setup and Accelerometer Mounting Check for Vibration Measurements
Statistical evaluation of characteristic SDDLV-induced stress resultants to discriminate between undamaged and damaged elements
Damage localization in a residential-sized wind turbine blade by use of the SDDLV method
Vibration-based SHM System: Application to Wind Turbine Blades
Damage assessment for wind turbine blades based on a multivariate statistical approach
A Modal Appropriation based method for Operational Modal Analysis
Parameter Estimation algorithms in Operational Modal Analysis: A Review
Blind Source Separation Applied to Indoor Vehicle Pass-By Measurements
A blind source separation based approach for modal parameter estimation in traditional input-output experimental modal analysis framework
Subspace Algorithms in Modal Parameter Estimation for Operational Modal Analysis: Perspectives and Practices
Improving the efficiency of deconvolution algorithms for sound source localization
Comparison of binaural microphones for externalization of sounds
A Shift in the Noise & Vibration Market: The Demand for Cost-Effective Standardized Testing
Noise and Sound Quality Optimization of Agricultural Machine Cab
Automotive tire/road sound quality
Investigation of a High Frequency Sound Quality Concern in a Refrigerator and Resulting Compressor Design Study
Fast wideband acoustical holography
Measuring vibration characteristics in seating
Vehicle Pass-by Noise Estimations for Component-Level Design
Active Vibration-based SHM System: Demonstration on an Operating Vestas V27 Wind Turbine
Golf Cart Noise and Vibration Troubleshooting
A Headphone Measurement System Covers both Audible Frequency and beyond 20 kHz (part 3)
Vehicle Voice Recognition Performance (w/ Background Noise and Gender Based Frequency)
Practical Aspects of Successful Laser Doppler Vibrometry based Measurements, DEGA 2003
Reference settings in Noise Mapping Software - a Comparison of the Speed of Calculation for Different Software - Euronoise 2006
User Controlled Settings in Noise Mapping Software - the Effects on Calculation Speed and Accuracy - Euronoise 2006
Quality Assurance for The Calculation of Large Noise Maps, Forum Acusticum 2002
The Acoustic Impedance Measurement System using Two Microphones, Forum Acusticum 2002
Combined NAH and Beamforming using the same microphone array - Forum Acusticum 2005
Optimising Uncertainty and Calculation Time - Forum Acusticum 2005
Planar Near-field Acoustical Holography, ICA 2001
Transmission Loss Measurement of the Exhaust system using 4-Microphones with Impedance Tube, ICA 2004
Piezoelectric Accelerometers Modification Based on the Finite Element Method, ICSV 1999
Experimental Design Process of Car Interior Sound Using Time Convolution Method, ICSV 2001
A Review of Array Techniques for Noise Source Location, ICSV 2003
Identifying Harmonic Components in Operational Modal Analysis - ICSV 2005
The Optimum Array Design For The Indoor Simulated Pass-By Noise Measurement System - ICSV 2005
The Development of Piezoelectric Accelerometers using Finite Element Analysis, IMAC 1999
A New Annular Shear Piezoelectric Accelerometer, IMAC 2000
Ambient Response Modal Analysis on a Plate Structure, IMAC 2003
A New Single Mass Triaxial Accelerometer For Modal Analysis, IMAC 2003
Dynamic Measurements for Non-destructive Verification of Static Parameters, IMAC 2003
Innovative Measurement Technologies Beyond Classic Analyzer Architecture, IMAC 2003
Finite Element Based Design and Optimization for Piezoelectric Accelerometers, InterNoise 1998
Sound Quality Testing and Evaluation for Passenger Vehicle, InterNoise 1998
On the Real-time FFT Analysis Finding the Dynamic Characteristics of Large-scale Diesel Engine for Earth Moving Heavy Vehicles, InterNoise 1999
Development of the Acoustically Good Exhaust System in Passengers Vehicle Using Sound Quality Techniques, InterNoise 2001
Modal Testing of Mechanical Structures Subject to Operational Excitation Forces, InterNoise 2001
A Class of Optimal Broadband Phased Array Geometries, InterNoise 2002
Geometric Post-Processing of GIS Data, InterNoise 2003
Implementation of Noise Policy in the 15 Member States of the EU, InterNoise 2003
Modal Parameters from a Wind Turbine Wing by Operational Modal Analysis, InterNoise 2003
Patch Near-field Acoustical Holography Using a New Statistically Optimal Method, InterNoise 2003
Software Strategies in Noise Mapping, InterNoise 2003
Array Designs Optimized for both Low-frequency NAH and High-frequency Beamforming, InterNoise 2004
Practical Application of Sound Quality Technique in Pump Development, InterNoise 2004
SADMAM – Combining Measurements and Calculations to Map Noise in Madrid, InterNoise 2004
The use of Volume Velocity Source in Transfer Measurements, InterNoise 2004
Estimation of Partial Area Sound Power Data with Beamforming - Internoise 2005
Practical Application of a Portable Vibration Analysis System for Measurements on Aircraft Engines - Internoise 2005
Practically Obtainable Dynamic Ranges of Data Acquisition Systems based on 24-bit Technology - Internoise 2005
The Use of Near field Acoustical Holography for Leak Detection in Miniature Objects - Internoise 2005
Reverse engineering guidelines and practical issues of combining noise measurements and calculations - Internoise 2007
Crank Angle Analysis, JSAE 2001
A Class of Optimal Broadband Beamformer Geometries, JSAE 2002
A Review of Array Techniques for Noise Source Location, JSAE 2003
Hotspot Identification Methods for the Derivation of Acoustic Equivalent Source Models, JSAE 2003
Application of Noise Source Identification Techniques to IT Equipment - NoiseCon 2005
Using Trained Listeners to Give Input to the Creation of Objective Combination Metrics for Quality Control Purposes, SQS 2002
A method for recognition of coexisting environmental sound sources based on the Fisher’s linear discriminant classifier
A method for recognition of coexisting environmental sound sources based on the Fisher’s linear discriminant classifier
A “Local Solve” Method for Extracting Modal Parameters from Inconsistent Data
Joy Global: Fatigue Analysis using Large Field Strain Gauge Data with nCode GlyphWorks
Ensuring Life of Radiator Fans by Determining Fatigue Life thru Strain Analysis
Benefits for License Management in Aqira
Vehicle Lightweighting and Advanced Joining Technologies
Fatigue Curves and Weibull Analysis using nCode GlyphWorks
GlyphWorks Vibration Profile Design (formerly known as Accelerated Testing): Not Just for Developing PSD Based Shaker Profiles
John Deere: Using nCode GlyphWorks to Create a Composite Random Vibration Profile from Field Acceleration Data
Tips & Tricks for using nCode GlyphWorks
Fiber Reinforced Plastic Durability: From Material Microstructure to Structural Part Life Predictions
Aqira Launch
Visualizing and Processing Measured Loading with GPS Data
Using Durability Schedules in Fatigue Life Estimation
Piecewise Trend Removal using GlyphWorks
Faster Analysis using High Performance Computing
New HBM Hardware for your Next Measurement Job
Apps & Democratization using Aqira
A Fatigue Life Prediction Method of Self-Piercing Rivet Joint for Magnesium Alloys
Tips & Tricks for using nCode DesignLife
GlyphWorks Accelerated Testing: Not Just for Developing PSD Based Shaker Profiles
Understanding Fatigue of Composite Materials
Ensuring Life of Radiator Fans by Determining Fatigue Life Through Strain Analysis
Ford Motor Company: Including Bolt PreTension Effects in Durability Analyses
Design of Components for High Temperatures and Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue
Q&A During the Aqira Launch - October 2016
Simulation Modeling with Process Flow using ReliaSoft BlockSim
Bobcat Company: Vibration Fatigue Analysis of a Cooling Fan Mount
GE Aviation's Proactive Quality Journey with ReliaSoft XFMEA
Bobcat Company: Time compression of Field Duty Cycles for Lab Fatigue
Advances in Finite Element based Vibration Fatigue Analysis
Seminar - Video Archive - Improving Durability and Reliability of Electric Vehicles - June 2022 - Online (USA / EMEA)
Applications of Frequency Based Fatigue
What's new in nCode 11
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